Kuroo II

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Kuroo had just finished tutoring Hinata and he leaned back with a sigh.

"That was good! You only got 80% of it wrong! That's better than last time."

He was trying to be positive but Hinata knew he flunked the practice as he became a sad bean and sighed.

"Hey..." Kuroo said softly before it looked like a light bulb went off in his head and he got up to run to the kitchen and when he returned, he had two slices of bread in buis hands which he gently cupped Hinata's face with.

"What are you~" he smiled softly but Hinata didn't like the joke as he pouted even more.

"An... Idiot sandwich..."

Kuroo shook his head sadly that his plan failed as he replied.

"No you're the perfect sandwich."

He leaned down and his lips brushed Hinata's own ones, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings. Hinata's eyes widen as they stayed like that just long enough that Kuroo could slowly breathe in Hinata's breath before closing their gap, feeling the warmth of each other's lips before pulling back slowly.

Kuroo let go as Hinata sat there dazed from the soft kiss, not really registering what had happened as Kuroo went to put the bread back in the kitchen.

Hinata's whole body was numb so he slowly got up too and and stretched, raising both arms as he pulled himself to reach as high as he could.

Hinata squealed as he stretched all the cramps away as Kuroo returned and stood by the door, watching Hinata's shirt get pulled up and evilly smiled when the toned stomach got exposed.

Quickly running forward, he grabbed his lover into his arms warning a surprised squeak.

"Woah?! Kuroo?"

Hinata's arm fall to land on Kuroo's shoulders as he fell into the taller's grasp and Kuroo tried to kiss him again, except his time with a hungry look and Hinata panicked.

Eventually he gave in and he whined a little as Kuroo's lips mashed against his, as if trying to flatten and completely cover his mouth

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Eventually he gave in and he whined a little as Kuroo's lips mashed against his, as if trying to flatten and completely cover his mouth.

Large hands proped up Hinata's head and supported his waist as the ginger got riled up and started to hungrily pushed back.

With their mouths open and tongues pushing against each other in the moist space between, Hinata's hands grabbed onto Kuroo's head firmly, as if to keep him from escaping.

He grinned into the kiss as he worked his mouth against Hinata's, his tongue taking the lead easier before he started to pin Hinata down.

The rough kiss became a lot more sensual as Hinata kissed him like he wanted to be kissed more and Kuroo returned them with small pecks.

As if they had never kissed before, they went back to soft kisses that slowly became more moist as they heated up and became breathy.

Hinata's fingers threaded through the jet black hair as their closeness left each other in unison, sharing one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

The heat rose in Hinata's cheeks as Kuroo pulled back a little before diving forward again, kissing his lover a with a bit more determination and planted heavy, firm kisses onto the soft quivering lips.

Hinata almost passed out from what felt like lightning running up and down his nerves as Kuroo's smirked and licked his lips.

"That's what you get for not letting me kiss you during practice!"

Hinata blushed as he remembered how Kuroo had attempted to kiss him in front of everyone earlier that day but didn't because Hinata managed to wriggle away with his face as red as his hair.

Hinata pouted cutely before getting out from under Kuroo as he turned and got up, refusing to make eye contact with his lover who turned around to grim up at him from the floor

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Hinata pouted cutely before getting out from under Kuroo as he turned and got up, refusing to make eye contact with his lover who turned around to grim up at him from the floor.

"Well... you were being embarrassing!" Hinata retorted but Kuroo only leaned forward to pull at Hinata's waist and the ginger fell onto Kuroo's lap.

Seeing the fluffy hair right in front of his face, Kuroo couldn't help but lean forward and rub against his lover.


Ignoring the confused yelp, Kuroo just purred as his arms refused to let go of Hinata from behind and Hinata could only keep blushing as they sat there comfortably

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Ignoring the confused yelp, Kuroo just purred as his arms refused to let go of Hinata from behind and Hinata could only keep blushing as they sat there comfortably.


There was only silence as Kuroo just kept snuggling him.


Hinata wanted revenge for being used as a body pillow as he turned his body so he straddled his boyfriend before covering Kuroo's eyes with his hands.

"What're you doing?" Kuroo asked and Hinata leaned down, applying pressure in his palms so Kuroo got ready for them to kiss.

However, Hinata giggled as he purposely missed, his lips a tad bit too far left and ended up bumping his nose against Kuroo's.

Kuroo was surprised but didn't move as Hinata persisted and leaned down again, feeling Kuro smile as he closed his own eyes and once again, just missed the lips and kissed the corners of Kuroo's lips.

Kuroo's arms then tightened and Hinata shrieked happily before cupping Kuroo's face and tilting his head so that their lips could finally meet at last.

Kuroo relaxed into the gently kiss but just as he did, Hinata breathed right into his nose each time he exhaled, tickling him and making Kuroo chuckle as he started giggling too.

As he pulled back sheepishly, Hinata leaned upward to kiss the tip of Kuroo's nose and their eyes open to gaze deep into each other with a smile.

"And that was revenge."

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