Sakusa IIIa

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Credits to Shipper_Sailor
You're idea is now a mini story!


Hinata puffed a huff of cold air out as he made his way to the Christmas tree at the center of town. It's bright lights shining against the dark evening and Hinata felt his heart flutter as he saw his boyfriend standing there, face slightly flushed from the cold.


Sakusa turned to see Hinata running towards him and his hands clenched around a certain small box in his pocket but his nervousness pushed it down as his hands came out empty.

"Sho" he greeted with a nod and Hinata held a hand up. Sakusa then pulled down his mask to lean his cheek against the warmth and Hinata blushed before smiling.

"Are you ready?"

The ginger linked his arm through Sakusa's and together, they took a quiet stroll towards Sakusa's house. They're weren't in any rush, just taking a casual stroll.

Sakusa and Hinata had been dating for three years now and today, the day before Christmas, is their third anniversary.

It was a very special day and Hinata held an arm out with a slightly disappointed sigh.

"I don't think it's going to be a white Christmas this year."

Sakusa nodded and squuezed Hinata's arm gently as a puff of air escaped him.

"yeah but I have you, and that's all that matters."

Hinata blushed again and squeezed Sakusa's arm back before continuing to look up into the sky.

Three years ago, on the day, it had been snowing heavily and Hinata was running to a meet up party held by Suga.

That was because he had graduated from being a third year at Karasuno that year and a bunch of players decided to hold a massive meet up.

It wasn't easy but he had to book a flight back from Brazil to do so and when he was finally back, he realized he had forgotten to book a taxi closer to the meet up area as Bokuto had changed the location last second.

"What's on your mind?" Sakusa asked looking at Hinata's face in concern and Hinata shook his head.

"Just remembering the day you asked me out."

Sakusa blushed and turned away before he continued walking, his other hand gripping the box in his pocket.

That day, while he was in the wrong place, Hinata had decided to just run to the location as it was thirty minutes away (by Hinata's super fast running standards so it was actually over an hour away 😂) and only stopped by the Christmas tree to take a break.

Then the list of coincidences tumbled in one after another as Sakusa had parked his car nearby because he needed to buy more hand sanitizers and the only shop he liked was on the same street Hinata was talking a break at.

The surprise on Sakusa's face of seeing Hinata made the ginger smile again. It was a feeling he would never forget as he remembered how they then went to buy the bottles together before getting into Sakusa's car.

The party afterwards was crazy as Tanaka made a big announcement that he and Kiyoko had actually become best buddies through coming out to each other.

Kiyoko playfully slapped him when he said that with a face of unamusement before returning to cuddle with Yachi who was sipping her drink.

Enoshita was laughing awkwardly too as Suga then stood up and started to screech loudly saying he 'called it!'

It was actually very eye opening as many other couples and announcements were made.

With all the chatter, discussions on who kept contact with who was brought up and immediately, the conversation was turned to Hinata.

The next following minutes were Hinata apologizing for answering messages up to weeks later and the whole party had gone silent when Sakusa spoke up.

"Remember when you rattled on me at the party, Omi?" Hinata laughed and Sakusa bumped him playfully.

"I wish I can forget but it was the reason we're together now Sho."

Hinata smiled as he remembered the awkward explanation of him having to admit he called Sakusa on time, twice a week.

Sakusa had realized his mistake at admitting it and immediately drank the while cup of alcohol before turning pink and made a racket.

Suga's eyes were wide as if he caught on with something more meaningful than simple communications and smiled before dragging Sakusa to the room next door.

"That reminds me... Why did Sugamama pull you away before you confessed to me in front of everyone?" Hinata asked and Sakusa had a look of grim fear.

"I can't say..."

Either way, before the party had ended, the two had become a couple and going strong since.

"We're here!"

Because Hinata had gone to Sakusa's house after the party, it was now their yearly tradition to go there for Christmas Eve. And somehow it became a thing that they would spend the whole time together until New Years where they go to the shrine together before heading to the Hinata household.

Entering the house Hinata was so use to being in, the ginger neatly put his shoes away just the way Sakusa liked it.

The influences they had in each other were obvious as Sakusa didn't mind touch (as long as it was Hinata only) and Hinata was a lot more careful (only around Sakusa though).

"Wanna do the usual Sho?" Sakusa asked and Hinata nodded before going upstairs to change.

Sakusa pulled the box out before sighing and placing it back in his coat pocket.

Realizing Hinata might find it, he quickly folded it up and put the coat neatly away in the cupboard, even if it didn't belong there. He didn't mind disorder as long as it was for Hinata.

A few minutes later, they two were cuddling on the sofa, eating snacks and commenting on the show happily as Sakusa sighed at his cowardice before snuggling Hinata close.

He'll propose on New Years at the shrine instead he decided and a small smile laced his lips as his eyes closed.

He couldn't wait.

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