Sakusa IIIb

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Their three year anniversary passed and now the couple were happily lazing underneath the kotatsu and soon, New Years Eve was upon them.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

"Let's go to the shrine!!!!" Hinata squeaked excitedly in his yukata and Sakusa nodded, also in a yukata before Hinata pulled his arm.

"Come on!"


Sakusa was about to pull back to grab the box but decided to ask just before they leave to the Hinata's when they return instead. Plus, his adorable ginger lover was too excited and it would be cruel to make him wait any longer.

"I pray to be together with Omi forever" Hinata prayed and Sakusa smiled before wishing for the same to Hinata.

There was an excited buzz over the whole place as the New Year festival was filled with music and the smell of food.

But knowing Sakusa, Hinata just bought a few things from the stalls before returning, ready to walk home.

"Are you sure that's everything you want Sho?" Sakusa asked and Hinata nodded.

"I can finish eating all this before we get home so I won't bring anything into the house."

Sakusa blushed a little before hiding his face behind a yukata sleeve and turned away from Hinata out of embarrassment.




Hinata sat still on the floor, eyes wide open as he stared forward with the spilt food over his Sakusa who was now underneath a car, head covered in blood.


The next hour was a blur to Hinata as he had crawled forward to place a hand on Sakusa's cheek, just like how they met earlier, but this time Hinata's hand were warm with blood.

He had passed out on his boyfriend immediately after, the feeling of Sakusa's warm body with the strong scent of iron being the last thing he remembered before his world went dark.

They were immediately rushed to the hospital and word got out to the others and soon, the hospital was flooded with family members and volleyball players.

"Are they okay?!" Suga was panicking and the old Karasuno team were nodding like mad, even Tsukishima had a discomfort look on his face.

Bokuto, the Miya twins and other members of the Black Jackles were concerned too and the sound of Natsu crying wailed down the corridor.

The night was rough as there was nothing they could do except pray as the hours ticked by as they wait in the hospital lobby.

When the doctor came out hours after, the mumbling sounds immediate died to silence as the crowd held their breath for the news.

A small sigh of relief was heard when they were told that the ginger was fine, he only had a few scrapes and a bruise of his arm.

"Probably caused by the other boy because it seems he pushed the ginger one out of the way. He must have been the one to see the car first."

The others then went silent as they waited for Sakusa's news.

"And the one with black hair... He's in a coma and we think there'll be lasting damage."

Natsu started to cry again as the doctor explained that Sakusa, although his body injuries were minor since he luckily rolled underneath the car, missing the wheels, he had received a major head injury.

"We don't know when he will be up and I can't say well for his memory.

They were all devastated when they heard the news but sighed in relief that both boys were alive.

"But what happens if Saku-nii forgets us all?" Natsu asked. "he was supposed to come home with nii-chan today!" And Suga bent down to pat her fluffy hair.

"It'll be all okay, your brother and him have been dating for years now. Let's not worry too much about it and instead, make them get well soon cards to wake up to and read okay?"

A few days later, Hinata woke up from his black out and was met with flowers and cards, a few crying team members and quickly, a little sister who ran at him full force, jumping onto the hospital bed.

An explanation later, Hinata sat back to take it all in and the nurse came in to say visiting time was over.

And even though he was discharged the next day, Hinata continued to return to the hospital say after day, refusing to leave Sakusa's side.

During the day, he would chat with the nurse who came in to check on Sakusa and catch up on what happened with anyone who came to visit him.

And during the night, he would cup his boyfriend's face in one of his small hands and sigh, his love slowly breaking him fr the inside as months started to fly by.

"Wake up Omi, I miss you."

And it did happen, almost a whole year later.

"Omi!" cried Hinata, flinging his small body onto Sakusa's out of happiness and hugged the living daylights out of him.

"Owww what's going on?" Sakusa groaned and Hinata immediately pulled away in shock.

"Oops! I'll give you some space Omi!" Hinata laughed, tears in his eyes as he pulled away.

"I just missed you a little too much!"

Sakusa didn't say anything and Hinata smiled, thinking his boyfriend was just a little overwhelmed from what happened. He was too, his body had been in pain for the whole time Sakusa stayed asleep, not knowing if he would wake up.

As for Sakusa, he sat still as he looked down at his hospital wear to the IV drips and the monitors beeping. Before he looked at Hinata who was staring at him with those large puppy eyes.

"Omi? Are you okay?"

Hinata stood up again, hand reaching forward to cup Sakusa's face but-



Hinata looked hurt but was more concerned than anything else as he leaned forward. He was confused on why Sakusa slapped his hand away.

"Hinata Shouyou? Wasn't you supposed to leave for Brazil?"

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