64. Death's blessing

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(Harry Potter - the tale of three brothers and Pokemon are not mine!
If anyone knows the artist please tell me! So I can give proper credit!

Death hummed as they watched their first child leave the small town that he called home. The Ghost Pokemon knew about them favouring the child and they would try their best to help him out. Even the Ghost Dragon type Lord seemed to have heard about it and looked forward to meeting their child when he visits Sinnoh. Death hummed as he watched over the world, he had seen many versions of it as the world was born, grew old, died and got reborn again. It was an endless cycle of life and death following each other in an undisturbed manner. Now if only the other worlds would be just as good as this one, they wouldn't have the headache of clearing so many paperwork on so many souls being harvested to be reborn. They had even shown themselves to young Gary and curiously enough, the little one did not seem afraid of him.


Gary had decided to have one last sleepover with his best friend, just the two of them, before they would have to go on a journey the next few days. He was going to miss their soft beds and comfy rooms a lot but they had been waiting to travel for a long time and couldn't wait for the day after tomorrow and at the same time be a bit nervous about it. Ash came in after finishing his shower and Gary helped him dry his long hair.

Gary, "Your hair has reached your waist, Ashy."

Ash leaned against Gary as his fingers massaged his scalp, "Mnn, I know, I was thinking of plaiting it while being on the road."

Gary, "That would be practical, and keep your hair from getting messed up and tangled due to travel."

Ash hmmed, "I wonder, if we'll run into either Entei or Moltress again during our journey. It would be amazing if we did, I want to show them what we can do now."

Gary nodded as Ash sat up turning towards him, "I know what you mean Ashy, we have come a long way from then."

Ash giggles, "We can use fire type attacks, although they are not as strong as Pokemon attacks they are still strong enough to knock humans out."

Gary chuckled, "Yeah and Gramps sure had a ball of a time in releasing all of the new potions into the market. The gill potion was probably the best seller as we got not only the water type trainers but also the navy interested in it..... I didn't even know Kanto had a navy of her own."

Ash smiled laying down on the large bed, "I know right? It was a real shocker to find out, and it's been three years but I still can't get over the fact."

Gary lay next to Ash on the bed, "As long as it helps them I guess, we should go to sleep. Everyone is out like a light."

Ash saw their Pokemon were asleep and stretched a bit to put off the light, "Want to meditate first?"

Gary held Ash's hand, "Sure ~"

The two boys closed their eyes and entered their soul rooms, they were now able to meet each other in a third point without entering the others soul rooms. It had become a hall way of sorts that connected the two of them as well as a number of other doors. They never tried or bothered to enter the other doors as they were all locked tight and couldn't help but wonder if they were the doors that would connect them with their friends. As they met each other, they were joined by a third person that made Gary look at them curiously.

Ash brightened, "Death! You came to visit."

Death rumbled, "Yes, you have come a long way, my sweet child."

Gary watched them, "Who is this Ash?"

Ash smiled bright like the sun, "Gary this is Death like the Death, the one who will guide your soul to safety and home I guess after you pass away."

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