2. Meeting the Oaks

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter inspired by another fanart!
Pokemon and Harry Potter doesn't belong to me
The art is by @numetter_600, credit for the art goes to them completely.

It had been two weeks since Antioch Peverell woke up in this world. Two weeks since he learned his new identity which is Ashwinder Ketchum, Ash for short. He didn't mind the new name to be honest. In fact the ash tree was a very powerful magic conduit and his previous wand was made of ash wood and dragon string, it had served him well. He was fascinated by the brand new world, especially the colorful creatures that he now knew the names of, Lucario, Chansey and Mr Mime, as well as the technology that they used. He realized his family were non magicals and yet these amazing creatures that were stronger than them, yet obeyed them. Well not exactly obey them but rather followed their lead. It fascinated him a lot and he couldn't help but look forward to the future.

He loved his new parents, he could tell that they were hard working and honest people. His mother was a strong woman, who he learned took care of not only the inn but also the shop that his family owned all by herself, of course Mr Mime helped her out. He also learned his father was a ranger of the region and although nothing dangerous happened most of the time it could change any moment after all nothing remains the same forever. Lucario and Chansey loved playing with him and his brother whenever they had a time off from training and work. Then there was his older brother Red. Ash simply loved and adored him. In his previous life as Antioch, he was the one who would look out for his younger siblings and care for them. To have someone watch out and care for him the way he did for his younger siblings was a novelty feeling he cherished.

The two siblings could always be seen spending time with each other whenever Red returned from his classes. Red would tell him about all the things he learned that day and Ash would listen very attentively. Red had beamed whenever he had Ash's attention, he had a feeling that, his little brother was smart and understood him. It had tickled him silly and at the same time pleased him a lot when his baby brother's first word was his name, of course it was butchered but still. His parents had pouted hard, about it before becoming confident that they'll be the next words he would say. Only to pout again when Ash's next words were Lucario followed by Chansey. Three days ago Red had told him they would be spending the weekend with his best friend Green and his younger brother Gary who wasn't much older than Ash.

Ash smiled, 'It'll be nice to have someone my age around, even though he would be younger than me and a literal baby.'

Ash was excited and nervous, even though he knew he had already spent time together with the Oak siblings before it was the first time for him after waking up.

Red smiled at Ash, 'I wonder if Ash will say his next words soon. It has only been a week since he started speaking. A week since he said my name, five days since he started saying Lucario and Chansey, four since Mr Mime and two days since he started calling mom and dad.'

Red grinned thinking about the pouty faces his parents had made and couldn't help but wonder if they were like that when he was born. He snickered just thinking about it. He wished he could remember those years but it was impossible. They had just gotten ready and were about to leave when their mom called from the kitchen.

Delia, "Red, Ash, I'm sending Mr Mime with some of your favorite grilled cheese sandwich to the Professor's lab. Mr Mime will return after dropping you both off. Now, have you both taken everything you need?"

Red smiled, "Yes mama. Don't worry about us. Let's go Mr Mime."

Mr Mime pat his chest, -Don't worry Del, I'll make sure they reach the lab safely.-

Delia, "Alright then. Have fun ~"

Red pushed the baby trolley Ash sat in and walked with Mime to the Professor's lab. Ash looked around his new environment with bright ember eyes. There were many people moving to and fro and they had other Pokemon with them. The most prominent being a bird like Pokemon that seems to be higher in number.

Red grinned, "Here we are Ash. Thanks for coming with us Mr Mime."

Mr Mime nodded his head and left after handing over the basket of sandwich and drinks to Red. Red took the basket and rang the bell. They heard shuffling and feet running around before the door was opened by Green's older sibling Leaf.

Leaf brightened seeing the two, "Oh Red! You are here. Little Ash you look adorable as ever. Are those your mom's special grill cheese sandwiches? I love those, here let me take them to the kitchen while you and little Ash go and make yourselves comfortable."

Ash blinked at the whirlwind that was the eldest Oak sibling. He blinked again as he felt Red push his trolley inside the house. It was very decent in size and had a warm welcoming feeling. Ash smiled and gurgled a few meaningless words making Red coo at his adorableness. They heard and saw Green coming down the stairs with Gary who had learned to walk now without help. Although it didn't stop Green from fretting over him worried he might fall. Ash watched them as they came over to greet them.

Green, "Red you made it. Hello little Ash!"

Red grinned, "Sure did ~ Leaf took the sandwiches mom made to the kitchen. We can have them later for lunch."

Ash smiled in response to Green making him smile back at the adorable toddler. Gary toddled over to Ash and started to babble making Ash babble in return.

Gary smiled, "Sandwaiches!"

Green laughed ruffling his brother's hair, "Yes Gary sandwiches, you love them right? You can have it at lunch k?"

Gary turned to Ash smiling, "Assh, sandwaiches, wev ar havng sandwaiches."

Ash couldn't help but laugh, "Garrry, andwich. Andwich!"

Red snickered at the butchered names but it was normal and adorable. He and Green went to settle their younger siblings at the play area that had been set up for them while they completed the group assignment the two of them had got. They talked about their plans for the future and what their next assignment would be before they heard Leaf call them.

Leaf, "Green, Red, grab Ash and Gary and come down. I'll go get Gramps to join us for lunch. That old man of ours, keeps forgetting to eat."

Red laughed at Daisy's grumbling as he carried Ash while Green grabbed Gary's hand and they went to the kitchen together for lunch. Red and Green still had three years before deciding whether or not they would go on a Pokemon journey. Red was looking forward to it and at the same time dreading that moment. He knew he wanted to become a Champion but at the same time he was not looking forward to being away from Ash.

(To be continued.....
I'll stop this here.. Hope you enjoyed this so far
Till next time my lovely readers!)

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