45. Dynamax and Mandrakes

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine!
That's a screen shot from Episode 18 from season 2 Pokemon series.
I love that episode. It was hilarious!

The party from last week ended up quite a success, if you ask Professor Oak. Everyone had enjoyed the party pretty well even the Pokemon. He was also quite happy to see his grandson and favorite pupil finally relax and lose some of the shadows hanging around them. He knew the four boys had talked together at some point after the party, he didn't know what it was about but he trusted them. Now, he was playing host to Professor Magnolia, a fellow researcher. She had heard about the incident of the three Dynamax Pokemon appearing at the ruins outside of Pallet town and had come from the Galar region to investigate.

Samuel, "Professor Magnolia, welcome."

Magnolia smiled, "Thank you, Professor Oak."

Samuel, "I must say, I'm quite excited about the new find. One of the oldest Dynamax Pokemon appearing near Pallet town. It's something, although we could have done without the trainers hurting themselves."

Magnolia sighed, "I heard you want to increase the age of trainers who are going on a journey from 10 to 13 permanently?"

Samuel was blank faced, "Too many dangers nowadays, I'm afraid. Just take my kids for example, they have not even starter their journey, yet they watched Team Rocket murder their fellow trainers."

Magnolia gave a grimace, "I have heard, I'm sorry they had to go through something like that. If it makes you feel better, our dear Champion Leon and myself approve the move as well. But in his case the reason is, most probably because of his baby brother."

Samuel laughed, "I would not be surprised. I have seen his interview, he was literally gushing about how adorable his baby brother is."

Magnolia gave a smile, "He's a good kid, a tad over enthusiastic but a good kid."

Samuel, "Isn't he the same age as Lance?"

Magnolia nodded, "Yes he is. I'm happy he's not going for a double Championship. That brat may be a genius in battle but he hates the paperwork  that comes with being a Champion like the plague. He swears up and down it's alive."

Ash walked up to the two elders after a while, "Professor! The rooms are ready and Gary is helping them pick a room. The Pokemon who came with them have easily settled down with the other Pokemon as well."

Samuel ruffled his hair, "That's great Ash. Thank you."

Ash smiled, "No biggie."

Ash then turned to Professor Magnolia, "Is it true? What they are saying about giant Pokemon?"

Magnolia looked at the starry eyed boy that her colleagues seem to have become fond of, "Yes it is true. And we are going to learn more about it in the next few days."

Ash hummed, "And the temples?"

Samuel, "What about the temples, Ash?"

Ash looked up smiling, "Will they be restored? I bet they would look great if they were back in top shape again."

Magnolia laughed, "That's why we are working with the archaeologists. Not only to learn about the Pokemon but also to fix the temple."

Ash brightened like the sun making Magnolia blink, "Awesome, I saw the temple once, I think they are pretty impressive. If we could restore them properly I bet they would be really magnificent to look at."

Gary came at this point, "It's too bad we won't be able to go. We got our semesters this two weeks."

Ash pouted, "Yeah!"

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