41. Pallet town

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine! The picture is a screenshot from the movie Lucario and the mystery of Mew. XDD
It was too funny not to have.

Life went on as it usually did once everyone returned home. Ash and Gary attended their daily classes, Red joined Riley in Aura training, Green became an apprentice to Sabrina and Professor Oak decided to just go with the flow of craziness that came with the two youngest. The Pokemon at the Oak ranch were very delighted to have their two favourite human kids back with them, especially a certain Blue Oak's Gengar. Blue was surprised at first, but then was actually happy as Gengar was no longer isolating himself anymore. The Ghost type had not been the same ever since their clash with Team Rocket that many years ago. The good Professor had also decided to follow the old tradition.

Samuel welcomed the four boys to his lab, "Welcome kids, I'm glad you made it."

Red smiled, "I had to bring Ash Professor. I hope you don't mind, but Mom's busy and Dad's been called back to work again."

Samuel waved it off, "It's fine, it's fine ~ You don't need to apologize. Ash is welcome here anytime just like Gary. In fact the Pokemon here are actually always happy to see them."

Samuel turned to the younger two, "Why don't you boys go greet them? Blue's Gengar returned last night I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

Ash beamed, "We are happy to see him too."

Gary grinned, "Dad's Gengar tells the best stories."

The Professor let them outside before turning to the older boys, "Now, I called you and Green here for a specific reason."

Green looked curious, "What's up, Gramps?"

Samuel cleared his throat, "As you know, it is tradition for regional Professors to give away starters to the prospective trainers."

Green nodded, "We know that Gramps and are you saying what I think you are saying?"

Samuel nodded, "Yes, I want to give you two boys your starters. I know you already have Pokemon with you but as your regional Professor, I wish to give you your own starters."

Red grinned, "Sweet! Thanks Professor! Wait, what about the other trainers?"

Samuel laughed, "Don't worry, for once I got five starters ready. So, even if two get chosen, there are still three left."

Green smirked, "You had this planned from the start, didn't ya, Gramps?"

Samuel looked away embarrassed, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Red drawled like one of the people he read in the old books the four of them had taken turns in trying to understand, "Of course not! But somehow, you have the permission to give out five starters, instead of three. Indeed, nothing much to worry about."

Samuel cleared his throat while motioning at the auto holder with the five pokeballs, "Now, as you know the starters are usually a fire type - Charmander, a water type - Squirtle and a grass type - Bulbasaur. This year though I have two more added, an electric type - Pichu and a fighting type Tyrogue."

Green whistled, "Damn gramps! Gotta say, that's pretty cool, adding a fighting and electric type."

Red agreed, "That's a decent team right there. They are well balanced."

Samuel laughed, "So you two get the first pick. Make your choice."

Green smirked, "Why don't you choose first Red? You look excited."

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