35. Searching for the Missing

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine! That art is not mine either. It is from forum.Ados Tumblr. Check it out for the full comic. It's Red x Green.

The party at the palace had ended with a lot of fanfare. Green was made to do the hero pose as the people said their farewells and left. He finally could relax and get a bite to eat, as he got up he noticed Red coming towards him holding a plate filled with food for him. He smiled at his long time best friend and partner, he couldn't wait to say they were lovers. But he understood Red's choice of becoming stronger first before announcing something intimate like that to the world.

Red handed the plate to him, "Got you a pick me up."

Green took the plate, "Thanks Red, I'm legit exhausted, who knew just sitting and watching would be so tiring."

Red smiled, "Could be worse you know. You could have been made to stand."

Green snorted searching his field, "They fell asleep."

Red nodded, "Yeah, I have kept half an eye on them for a while now. They are still in the castle like they said they would be, only sleeping."

Riley joined the two holding a muffin, "Who are you talking about?"

Green smiled, "Our younger brothers."

Riley blinked, "You can tell where they are?"

Green shook his head, "Not exactly, more like pinpoint their general direction."

Red nodded, "We need more practice before we can tell where exactly they are located provided they don't move far."

Riley whistled, "Now that's pretty useful. Think you could teach the sensors this method?"

Red, "Sensors?"

Riley nodded, "There are many types of Psychic and Aura users. Sensors are just one of them. The others are listeners, healers of specific field of course, front line hitters and spies."

Green, "I read about something like that at one point. It could make things so much easier for us if we taught some of the others. What do you think Red?"

Red hummed, "I can see the pros and cons for this and the pros outweigh the cons. Why not?"

Riley grinned, "I'll tell Arwen later. I think, she'll be interested in having more sensors out there."

They were joined by Cypress soon enough who looked around for the kids, "Where are your brothers? Are they sleeping already?"

Red nodded, "Yup! They were playing earlier with the Pokemon and fell asleep half way. We'll have to go pick them up later."

Green snorted, "Typical, they would fall asleep while playing. Guess, it's one of their more adorable quirks."

Riley pouted, "I never thought I would say this, but I'm very jealous right now. I wish I had a younger sibling to gush over too."

As the humans were talking the Pokemon had gathered as well to the side. They were having their conversations.

Lucario, -Welcome back!-

Riolu, -Welcome back Elder!-

Luc, -Thank you! How was your day?-

Lucario, -It was interesting all things considered.-

Riolu pouted, -Watching the tournament was fun then we had to do the boring job of patrolling.-

Luc flicked his head, -Now now! A duty is a duty no matter how boring it is.-

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