59. Journey

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(Hello everyone!
Harry Potter and the tale of three brothers and Pokemon are not mine. That pic is a screenshot from the anime.

Soon before anyone knew it another year passed and Red and Green left for their Pokemon journeys. Green had decided to journey through Jhoto region while Red decided to go through Kanto. They had both turned fifteen by the time their Journeys started and much to no one's surprise took the gyms by storm. Half way through the journey Red had come across a very curious Pokemon called Mewtwo who had started to follow him from the shadows.

Red, "Let's train guys!"

Charizard, -Yes!-

Lucario, -Yes Pappy.-

Primeape, -We are gonna win this League.-

Pikachu, -Battle maniacs

Serperior, -Calm down you lot.-

Pidgeot chuckled, -Lively group, I don't regret joining at all.-

Unknown to them they were being watched by a being who had just escaped from the labs. He watched as the trainer, Red was it put up a barrier around the training fields while explaining to the Pokemon how they would train for their third gym battle which was against Surge. He was a curious human, the being amended, he had started following the trainer after he came to the Cerulean cove. He had thought that the human had gone to catch him but instead had gone off searching for some very curious items, explaining the uses to the young female Lucario who called him father. What? He even talked to the Pokemon as if he understood them and at one point he wondered if he was human. His curiosity grew bigger when he saw the trainer use power, a type of power he did not know about and his curiosity finally ate at him and forced him to leave the cove five days after the trainer had left. Now, here he was watching them train again, sometimes the trainer would train with his powers but most of the time used it to heal his Pokemon's injuries.

Red mumbled, "They are watching us again, aren't they?"

Serperior nodded, -Yes!-

Charizard, -Do you want me to bring them over?-

Red shook his head, "Let them be, I'll just put a plate of food and bowl of water for them. Besides they are not causing us trouble now, are they?"

Lucario nodded, -Okay Pappy.-

After a month of being followed Red had been approached by a large Venasaur who had felt his aura. The old Venasaur wanted to invite the Aura user to the Mysterious Garden to help him choose the next leader and to protect them. Red had been surprised at the invite but readily agreed to it understanding the final evolution's worry. Red had gone with the Venasaur and spread his Pokemon around the Garden covering every entry point while using his aura to keep connected with them.

Red, "Don't worry big guy, we got your back. I even called a friend for help."

Riley, "We are here."

Alain was smiling, "Red!"

Venasaur nodded, "Saur."

Red, "Don't thank us yet. We still have a job to do."

Alain, "I have Charmander, Metang and Seadra spread out by the river."

Riley, "Milotic is by the river, Lucario, Houndoom, Persian and Fearrow are around the field."

Venasaur moved to the large tree in the middle and gave a roar and many Bulbasaurs and Ivysaurs started to come to the garden along with four Venasaurs. The oldest Venasaur gave a nod and the four younger Venasaurs started the ritual by releasing sweet scent that relaxed the tired young Pokemon. After that they started to roar, getting answering roars from the Pokemon around them before they started to release their auras to the world around them. The three humans watched in awe as the Pokemon started to shine and evolve one by one. It was a breathtaking sight. Mewtwo watched the evolution in wonder as it was the first time he had seen such a beautiful sight. At the lab that man would always keep him locked up never letting him communicate with others, Pokemon or human. In fact even humans looked terrified of that man and kept their heads down and never went against him. He didn't know the world could be so beautiful. However this was interrupted by seven people, four were part of Team Rocket while the other three were poachers.

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