52. Halloween

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(Hello everyone....
Pokemon is not mine. Harry Potter and the tale of three brothers are not mine. That picture is a screenshot from Pacific Pikachu Collections. Check it out for more Halloween themed items.

The month of October came to an end soon, and a lot of things happened during this month. Misty, Ritchie, Chloe and Gou decided to clear Junior school by the end of the year instead of going at a slow pace. Mairin pouted as she just started school and will have to study and pass the first half with high marks to be considered ready to take more. Alain on the other hand had cleared both Junior and Junior High and was considering whether or not to continue and finish high school as well. He looked at Red and Green who were already handling jobs that too well paid ones if the amount of money in their accounts were anything to go by. He had been curious at one point and had asked only to whistle impressed, at the decent amount they get monthly.


Red, "You know, just because we are already working it doesn't mean you have to as well."

Alain, "Yeah?"

Green ruffled his hair earning a squawk, "Yeah! What we do is actually helping us achieve our personal goals, so if you want to do something. It must be something that pushes you to move forward and fulfil your dreams."

Alain looked at Green, "Dreams?"

Red chuckled, "Humans are complex in nature. You didn't think you would have only one dream right?"

Alain nodded his head, "I want to research and be the best researcher in the world."

Red smiled, "And that's a fine dream, but I don't think that's all you want."

Alain nodded, "That's true. I want to do other things too like see the world and become a strong trainer."

Green, "There ya go! Don't worry about having more than one dream or goal. You are allowed to have them."

Alain simply nodded not bothering to answer them verbally. He would not admit it but his little crushes had become stronger, the more time he spent with them. He looked down trying to hide his tiny blush although looking at Green's smug face and Red's soft smile, he got the feeling they knew. They knew but didn't act on it and was willing to wait till he understood his own feelings better to make a decision.

Flashback end!

Alain looked at the boys in Green's room, he couldn't believe it was large enough to occupy them all. Ash was helping Ritchie put on his Prince outfit while Gary helped Gou dress up as Raboot. Scorbunny looked touched Gou chose a Raboot to dress up as but he concluded, he would look cute without a doubt in it. Ash and Gary had decided to dress up as Umbreon and Espeon while their Pokemon would dress up as the rest of the eeveelutions.

Red poked his face, "Let's dress you up."

Green grinned behind him holding up a couple of costumes, "We have a few for you to choose from."

Alain sweated a bit before blurting, "I want the blue one."

Red hummed, "Ah! Isn't that Sir Aaron's outfit?"

Green took out a very familiar looking dress, "Why! Yes, yes it is!"

The two pounced on Alain and started to push him behind the divider so he can change. Ash and Gary snickered at his bewildered expression as he went to change. Ash put the imitation ears on Gou's head before stepping back and allowing his friend to see how he looked. Meanwhile Gary helped Ritchie with the pins on his Prince outfit getting grumblings from the red head.

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