14. Magmar siblings

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter......
Pokemon is not mine. That picture is not mine. It's from Pokemon art book.

So far Ash and Gary were enjoying their time together with Blaine and the other natives in Cinnabar Island. They had become fast friends with the Pokemon that belonged to the assistants and helpers at the lab, even Blaine's no nonsense and strict Magmar. It amused Blaine how things had become more lively and bright by having the two kids with them. He thought back to the discussion he had with Samuel and he understood his worry. There had been whispers of different organizations around the world similar to Team Rocket. If any of them were to figure out the child's secret, it would be outright war between them and they couldn't afford another blasted war. Blaine observed the child he's supposed to help, the way he influenced the Pokemon around him was both fascinating and terrifying. They were all alarmed when they saw them help the Fire types train.

Blaine, 'Well at least, we can get them registered under the league as both of them already have Pokemon they are training.'


Blaine looked at Professor Oak, after he had finished his story, "Well Sam, I'll be completely honest. I did not see that coming."

Samuel sighed, "None of us did to be completely honest. I worry, especially for the time they'll tell me they want to go on a Pokemon journey will come. So far, we have covered for Ash at home to keep him safe but out there, he will be on their own. "

Blaine got up, "I understand, old friend. You need not worry too much in Kanto. I shall watch over both of them, as much as possible, once they start their journey."

Professor Oak thanked him and followed Blaine outside to gather the boys. Once they were out however they were a bit alarmed, shocked and bewildered by what they saw. In front of them were the young fire types standing in as a group watching Ash create a fire ball. Now this would not have alarmed them what alarmed and shocked them was Blaine's Magmar and a wild Magmar were creating similar fire balls. Their fire balls however looked more terrifying and dangerous. Blaine and Samuel approached the group slowly so as not to startle them especially the wild Magmar.

Samuel, "Gary, son.... What are you all doing?"

Gary who sat with Pikachu and Eevee smiled, "Hey gramps ~ Magmar here was curious. Oh and he said the other wild Magmar is his sibling."

Blaine asked watching his old partner and the new addition, "Curious? Kid? Sibling?"

Gary nodded watching the three, "Uh-huh! Ash told me, I have a dormant power inside me too and we were trying to see if I could reach it through meditation. It got Magmar over there interested and he joined us. We meditated for an hour before Ash decided to make more light balls for us to play with. The big guy was very interested in it and wanted to learn how to do it and now here we are. The wild Magmar was watching us from that ridge, above the field on the west side."

Gary pointed at a ridge far off at the West, "He was curious and entered the lab grounds and the two Magmars would have fought, but Ash said he could join us as long as he doesn't create trouble. He agreed to what Ash said, personally though, I think he was just interested in learning a new move."

Samuel looked at Gary a bit alarmed at the explanation even though his grandson did not notice being too busy observing his friend. Blaine would have laughed at his old friend's expression, if his attention was not on his partner and the wild Pokemon that decided to crash the party. His Magmar hated the presence of other Magmar in the lab area. Gary however had his attention on his best friend and the two Magmar who were ready to attack the target posts that was on the field. Magmar nodded at Ash and pulled his hands back before releasing the ball towards the target on his right. The balls sailed straight first before they lost their momentum and started to fall but it hit right below the two targets.

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