56. Tournaments

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(Hello everyone!
Above is a screenshot from YouTube, luxury ships around the world. That ship is how I imagine SS Anne to look like.
Pokemon and Harry Potter: Tale of Three Brothers are not mine!

The next day of the tournament came bright and early. The first tournament would be for the juniors who were not yet trainers. There were sixteen participants taking part this year. Ash was up first against a girl that went by the name Giselle. She was a really cute little girl but very rude and spoiled in Ash's opinion. She had insulted Pikachu and Charmander for not wanting to evolve and having an Everstone. Ash rarely got angry but he bit his tongue and answered her calmly.

Ash, "You know for someone who's smart and coming from a 'rich' background you act like a mannerless rude street child. As for my Pokemon I'll let them prove themselves in a battle how strong they are."

Gary oooohed from the side, "Burn!"

Giselle's face burned red in embarrassment, "Ha! As if you will win."

Yoshi was blanked face as the referee decided to start the battle. Ash had picked Pikachu while Giselle smirked and chose Cubone. Giselle and Cubone went on the offensive first and the battle started.

Giselle, "Headbutt Cubone."

Ash, "Agility to dodge and don't stop."

Pikachu dodged the attack and moved in really fast speed around Cubone making him confused.

Giselle, "Cubone, bone rush, get that mouse."

Pikachu however dodged it as well thanks to his speed and kept moving.

Ash, "Double team followed by iron tail."

Giselle, "What? Cubone use boomerang, quick."

Pikachu however dodged the boomerang and landed a powerful iron tail on Cubone flinging him out of the battle field.

Giselle, "No Cubone."

Referee, "Cubone is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner."

Pikachu, -Weak, am I? That'll show you.-

Ash picked his partner up hugging him, "Pikachu, that was amazing."

Giselle, "Don't cry, Cubone! It'll be okay."

Ash, "Do you know why you lost? It was not because Cubone was weak, it was because you were very arrogant and underestimate your opponent."

Giselle looked at Ash before looking away, "I know and I'm sorry."

Ash shook his head, "It's not me you should apologize to."

Giselle, "Right, I'm sorry Pikachu, I have to admit I did not see that coming."

Pikachu, -Forgiven kid.-

Ash smiled and nodded before walking away from her. Unknown to him however Giselle had decided he would be her rival. He was strong, smart and actually proved her wrong something that did not happen often as she was a prodigy. Next was between Gary and a young boy by the name of Oliver. Gary chose his Eevee to fight against Oliver's Eevee.

Oliver, "Let's see who's Eevee is best."

Gary grinned, "May the best Eevee win."

Referee, "Let the battle begin."

Oliver, "Quick attack Eevee."

Gary, "Stand your ground and reflect."

Oliver frowned seeing Eevee get bounced back because of the shield, "Eevee are you okay?"

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