25. Dangers everywhere

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine. The art is made by Natsuakai on deviant art. Check out their profile for more. The art is amazing.

Lucario moved and dodged away from the poachers that he and his team had finally busted after three months of investigation. Cypress was fighting one on one with the second leader while he and Arcanine were holding off the Pokemon that the leader had released. Their new mega evolution forms helping them make quick work out of the Pokemon. It also helped that the Pokemon only attacked them half heartedly. The rest of the Rangers were scattered around the poacher camp.

Group five consisting of Rux, Pidgeot, Houndoom, Flareon, Umbreon and Espeon were helping the Pokemon escape from captivity. Group 4 had healer Joy with Chansey, Meganium, two Parasects and Chimecho were taking care of the Pokemon who were hurt. Group three had Max, Electabuzz, Hitmonlee, Luxray and Emolga taking care of downloading any files they can from the server to their device. Group two had the three of them, Cypress, Arcanine and himself handling the more powerful Pokemon and finally Group one had the leader of the Rangers, Ace and his team of Ghost and Psychic types, Gengar, Alakazam, Chandelure and Espeon bringing the whole camp down.

Lucario frowned, -This is too close to home for comfort.-

Arcanine who had just subdued the fire types growled, -I agree. I may not have liked the idea of our cubs growing up so soon but I shall support and help you with their training.-

Lucario blinked, -Thank you!-

Cypress, "You have lost poacher. Give in and surrender."

The poacher smirked, "You will never get anything from me."

The poacher's body began to convulse and his face turned gray, then, the next thing you knew he was already dead. Cypress cursed the coward out, but did not waste time on him. Instead, he moved on to help the others finish the job as soon as possible. He had not been home for a whole month and he was missing his family. As the battle slowly ended, both canine Pokemon came out of their mega evolution forms.

Lucario looked at the dead body with a cold expression, -Coward, you have the guts to commit crimes, but no guts to face responsibility. I shall pray you suffer in Giratina's realm.-

Arcanine grumbled, -Next time, we knock them out. Death is too easy of a punishment for creatures like him.-

Lucario looked around at the Pokemon who were hurt and the ones who were already dead and made a face. He could never understand the cruelty of some humans, he had asked Cypress about it once but even Cypress said, he didn't understand them. He shook his head and joined his partner in helping the clean up of the battle. Arcanine joined the other canine Pokemon searching for more victims among the camp. Although, it was rare sometimes the poachers would kidnap the trainers as well to make their Pokemon comply with their demands. Then from one of the buildings the leader's Gengar and Alakazam ran out carrying two teens who were not looking well.

Ace grimaced, "Shit! Find out who these kids are and search the missing persons list."

Max approached after a few minutes, "Ace, these are the two teens that had gone missing two and three months ago. According to this report, they have been kept to make their fully evolved Pokemon listen. Their pokeballs are in the third building. Electabuzz take Hitmonlee and search for those pokeballs."

Electabuzz gave an affirmative while Cypress checked on the two teens. They were badly beaten up though there were no bones broken, probably to make sure their Pokemon did not go ballistic. Lucario watched this scene with a dark expression, he couldn't help but imagine one of his own pups in that predicament. He growled angrily, before turning around and leaving in a huff for the forest. Cypress watched him go worried but trusted him to be safe.

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