19. Figuring things out

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(Hello everyone....
Pokemon is not mine. The art is made by SebastianWagner on deviant art.

The next day came bright and early for Ash and Gary. They had fallen asleep pretty fast after returning last night from their fun evening. After finishing their morning rituals the two of them went towards the mess area which was busy. The food were being prepared for both human and Pokemon and both Pokemon and humans were eating with a vigour, as if something big would happen soon.

Cooper called them to his table, "Ash, Gary, over here kids, I picked breakfast for you as well."

Gary grinned looking away from the long line of people and Pokemon, 'No need to wait in the long line for breakfast. Yay~'

Ash smiled as he sat, "Good morning Cooper. Is something happening today?"

Gary looked around, "Yeah! Everyone is so pumped up today, well, more than normal."

Cooper grinned, "You could say that... In fact one of the elite four is coming by today."

Ash blinked, "Elite Four? Why? Did something happen?"

Cooper, "Yeah, you could say something did happen. Do you know? The flames that are used in the Pokemon tournament are actually flames of a Moltres."

Gary nodded taking toast bread and eggs with bacon, "Oh? We know about that bit. Moltres blessed the tournament with his flames, at least that's what the books say."

Ash nodded taking a plate of toast, omelette and bacon, "It was very interesting to read especially the part where the Moltres judged the warriors and deemed them worthy."

Cooper grinned, "Never thought you would be interested in reading."

Ash shrugged, "I love reading a good book."

Gary asked, "So, what happened? What is going on?"

Cooper ribbed his chin, "Wellllll... It turns out Moltres can use the flame that he bestowed for the tournament as a way to appear in Kanto. On the same day the two of you arrived here which is three days ago Moltres appeared in the Champions hall shocking everyone before it flew off leaving the torch empty. It shocked and scared a lot of people especially the league on what it meant."

Ash got an understanding look, "She came here, didn't she?"

Cooper looked confused, "Who's she?"

Ash giggled, "Lady Moltress, of course. She came here, we met her and Lord Entei, remember?"

Cooper laughed sheepishly, "Oh! Right! We did!"

Gary laughed, "Let me guess most people think Lady Moltres is actually a Lord?"

Cooper laughed, "Yes they do. So you can imagine the shock when the boss found out she was here. Gifting you guys with a feather. Man, I'm never forgetting it. The league when they got the information decided to send the new Champion to see if he could get Moltres to return and bless them with her eternal fire again."

Gary looked excited, "You mean, Lance the Dragon Champion right?"

Ash's eyes twinkled, "Do you think we can meet his dragons?"

Cooper grinned mischievously, "Kids, I'm pretty sure his dragons would love to meet you."

Ash, "Cooper... We are planning on having a barbeque at the beach in the evening with Axel, Lisa and Luke, after Lisa's battle with the Gym Leader. Will you be free today? I mean things here look busy."

Cooper ruffled Ash's hair, "Sure I will, I just need to push my break time to evening and I'm joining you at the beach."

Gary, "Awesome~ We'll meet you at the beach then."

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