21. Beach Barbeque

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p(Hello everyone...
Another chapter on the same day? Yes yes it is!
Pokemon is not mine! The art is from anime aesthetics on deviant art.

Ash rubbed his head to relax the migraine that he was feeling, as he was supported by Pikachu and Charmander who had entered the room, after Ash had not returned to play with him. Gary was being supported by an equally worried Eevee and Litten who was licking his cheek to comfort him. Gary opened his eyes and smiled reassuringly at Litten and Eevee before looking at Lance who still had his eyes closed. He looked more relaxed than before and definitely looked less tense. Ash got up and tapped Lance on the shoulder before sitting back and waiting for him to wake up.

Lance opened his eyes and croaked, "So that's what a core looks like."

Ash smiled a bit sadly, "Not exactly, no. A core is not locked up like that. It's more open and deep. It is us, at our rawest form."

Gary nodded, "Yeah dude, I don't know who put those things on you but whoever it was. They are powerful."

Dragonite nudged his trainer, -Are you okay Lance?-

Lance's eyes widened, "I'm alright old friend, I apologize for worrying you."

Dragonite shook his head, -It was not your fault, I'm just happy you are okay, Lance.-

Lance's eyes softened, "Thank you my friend, truly."

Dragonite's eyes widened when he realized his trainer could understand him, -You understood what I said? You truly understood. I'm so happy. We can finally be bonded properly, like the stories of the old said, we would.-

Ash observed the two, "Dragonite looks really happy."

Gary nodded, "He must have been very worried about you Lance."

Lance smiled softly, "He was worried, but he is more happy that I can understand him. I mean actually understand, what he is saying."

Ash brightened, "Awesome! This shows that breaking the weakest chain was completely worth it."

Blaine looked at Ash, "You guys broke one of the chains?"

Gary nodded, "It was hard but breaking it helped Lance connect with the core. His inner self or his mind you could say, was asleep near his core but when we broke the chain he woke up and Lance connected with it. It's a small connection right now but I'm sure, we can get rid of the rest of the chains soon."

Lance blinked, "That's.... You will have to give me a detailed description of what happened in there."

Ash made himself comfortable while Pikachu and Charmander made themselves comfortable on his lap, he started to explain his part of how he connected to Gary, first. Gary who was sitting with Eevee and Litten on both sides explained how he met Ash and what they talked about as they searched for Lance's core. Lance and Blaine listened fascinated to the rules Ash had told Gary about entering cores. Ash then proceeded to tell him everything that happened inside his core, how they tried to wake him up but failed and then finally deciding to try and break the weakest chain present. They ended it with returning to the real world, but not before Gary saw Lance inside the core had woken up.

Blaine, "You kids had quite an adventure. Are you sure, you are alright?"

Lance, "So we can connect with other cores. I'm actually happy, that it is difficult to connect with others though."

Ash, "We are fine Blaine promise ~ Also we are taking a break for today. I don't want to push my luck."

Gary sat back nodding, "We can Lance and I agree with your feeling. I can't imagine my core being locked away like that."

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