36. The Heart

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The art is done by Maximus on deviant art. Check out their profile for more amazing masterpieces.

After the group consisting of young Pokemon and two human boys finished their lunch, the young Pokemon went off, to sleep off the food or to find their respective group mates. Mew flew around the two boys however as he watched them clean up after the Pokemon's messes and the uneaten food. Mew watched as Ash took some of the burnt charcoal from the fire and collected it in one of the plates.

Gary observed his friend curiously, "What's that for Ash?"

Ash smiled, "Now that the wood is burned completely, this is carbon. I read in our mystery book, it is one of the best cleaning agent."

Gary blinked before he understood, "Ah! Of course! Charcoal is carbon that too active carbon and carbon helps in absorbing impurities. I read it in a science book. It was in that book too."

Ash nodded, "I guess it kinda makes sense, you know? How the people in the past made due during their journeys when it comes to cleaning up."

Gary's eyes were sparkling, "Yeah! Hey, we could do the same thing if our soaps ever get over and we need to clean up."

Ash giggled, "If and I mean if we ever travel with a group and they see us doing that. Imagine their reactions."

Gary snorted, "In Green's words, 'Remember to carry a camera. That's a very precious moment!'"

The two of them burst out laughing and the Pokemon around them ended up giggling as well the happiness coming from the two being very contagious. Mew announced he was going to do some rounds around the Tree of Beginning and he flew off, while Omanyte and a young Kabuto stayed close to the two boys. The Kabuto had taken to following Gary around the same way Omanyte was following Ash. She had been shy at first but after Gary had coaxed her to join them, she decided to follow them to sate her curiosity. Mew on the other hand had flown towards the heart of the Tree and made some adjustments to it's defense. He was tired by the time he was done and flew back to Ash and Gary.

Ash noticed the exhaustion, "Mew? Are you okay?"

Gary looked concerned too, "You don't look so good bud! Why don't you come here?"

Ash and Gary pat in between them and waited patiently for the cat like legendary to be comfortable. Mew settled between them and felt the two smooth out his fur gently yet firmly. He started to purr after a while enjoying the sensation of being groomed by another. His older siblings had last groomed him a month ago before leaving to keep an eye on the humans that were busy trying to clone them.

Ash asked, "Hey Mew... What did you do that you are this exhausted?"

Mew looked at the worried eyes, -I was talking to the Tree.-

Gary blinked confused, "Tree?"

Mew nodded, -The Tree of Beginning is alive and has very powerful defensive functions. I went to convince them you are not a danger to them or the Pokemon. It was a little exhausting, I'll admit, but worth it.-

Gary grinned, "Did you tell them we are friends?"

Mew giggled despite the exhaustion, -Yes, yes I did.-

Ash looked at Gary and motioned for him to hold his hand, "Mew I... We want to try something to help you feel better. Will you let us?"

Mew looked at the two boys, -Oh? I must say, I'm curious now. How do you plan to help me?-

Gary smiled, "Trust us?"

Mew looked at them and nodded, -Okay!-

Ash and Gary closed their eyes and felt for their cores inside them, which welcomed them warmly. Ash focused on bringing out the healing part of his core, the same way Gary focused on his calming. The two them combined both of the energies that were being emitted and covered Mew in it. Mew's eyes widened at the feeling of being healed and relaxed. He observed the two human cubs, because that's what they were mere cubs as they healed his exhaustion.

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