3. Magic and the Past

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter from another inspiration. This time from DIY.
Harry Potter and The tales of the Three Brothers are not mine. Pokemon is not mine. The picture is from DIY crafts!

It had been a few months since Antioch or Ash as he is now known woke up in this new world. It wasn't so bad, all things considered. Lucario was awesome and Chansey was a very gentle soul, they were an odd team but they strangely fit and complimented each other well. His family is very loving and he adored and loved his big brother the most. His new friends were fun to be with though he is not sure if Green considered a toddler like him a friend.

Ash, 'Oh well! My big brother's friend is my friend too and Gary is so cute ~ Ah! I wonder if he's one of my friends. I wish there was a way to know but Death forbade it.' 

He was not pouting, nope, not at all. He had been thinking about his magic the last two months and how to access it. He remembered using meditation before to access it initially. They were wiccans who listened to Mother Nature and used her blessings and guide to practice the different branches of magic. Ash had decided, tonight while everyone was sleeping he would meditate for at least one hour and try to access his magic pool. Hopefully he'll be able to find it in a few days or by the end of the month at least.

And so from then on little Ash started to meditate at night every night for one hour he would meditate before falling asleep. The first night he simply couldn't focus on clearing his mind and had some trouble trying to get into a meditative state. His mind kept on wondering about Pokemon, his friend Gary and his family. On the second night however he managed to relax and calm himself down reminding himself it'll take time to become as strong as he was before so one step at a time. This helped him to be able to meditate for the rest of the week before he decided to search for his magic core. A week after he started to feel his magic which was inside him.

Lucario sensed some energy coming from Ash two weeks after he started meditating. It was a Sunday, the one day his Master/Partner, kept for spending time with family. As he was a being that could sense aura, he felt and saw tendrils of energy coming from the youngest Ketchum. This surprised and shocked him first then he got very excited. Little Ash however was taking his afternoon nap and didn't realize he could be sensed by Pokemon. If he did then maybe he would have avoided the troubles in the future.

Lucario, -Sister Chansey watch over the cub. I'm going to inform Master about this development.-

Chansey was confused, -What do you mean Brother Lucario? Wait are you saying you saw the strange energy too? What will you do?-

Lucario nodded, -Yes... You'll see.-

Lucario ran to the kitchen where Cypress was showing Red how to make Pokefood from starch while Delia was busy making lunch. It was a very warm sight and Lucario was proud to call them his pack. He wondered if he should wait a bit longer before telling his partner about his findings. He didn't have to wait long as Red had finished making his last batch of the Pokefood before setting the bowl aside for the cubes to set and Cypress noticed him.

Cypress, "Lucario? What's wrong buddy? Is everything alright?"

Lucario grinned, -Everything is fine partner, I just found out something amazing about Ash.-

Cypress got excited seeing Lucario excited, "Ash? Really? Did he say a new word or did he start to walk on his own?"

Delia came towards her husband hearing his excited voice, "Honey, what's this about Ash?"

Red, "Mom, Lucario came in here really excited about Ash and Dad was asking him why. Right Dad, Lucario?"

Lucario nodded, -Partner Ash hasn't started walking on his own yet but I believe he'll do so soon. What I really want to tell you is.. I believe Ash has aura abilities.-

Cypress gaped at Lucario at that sudden turn of events. He had heard about aura users before and even worked with an aura user once in the past. That was when he had met Lucario as a Riolu. Little Riolu when he saw what Cypress fought for back then had decided he was an honorable warrior. He had started to stubbornly follow him despite the fact Cypress didn't want to get any Pokemon involved in his job as there was a high chance he would loose them. He didn't want to go through that pain a second time. However Riolu had demanded to learn hand to hand combat from the aura user during the three month mission, he had with an Aura Guardian. While at the same time he learned Pokemon attack moves from the older Lucario the Guardian had as a partner.

Arwen and her Lucario, Swift, Cypress remembered were strict teachers who believed in hands on teaching and as a Riolu, his own partner was a fast learner. A year after that was when they rescued Chansey from smugglers and Chansey and Lucario had stuck as partners and agreed that he needed their help, despite his denials. He had huffed and allowed them to follow him as long as they kept up and now he couldn't think of having better partners. He misses his first team and he will never forget them but he also knows and learned it was important to move on and having his two partners by his side helped. Lucario was smiling smugly at his partner, while Red and Delia were waiting for answers. Cypress seemed to shake himself out of the stupor after a while. He knew following his instincts and this man was the right choice and now there was an aura user in the family.

Cypress, "Are you sure Lucario? There aren't any records of anyone in our family having aura before!"

Red and Delia's eyes widened at what he said. They had heard stories and rumors about aura users as well and Red looked like Christmas had come early with the way he lit up. Aura users were very rare and very mysterious.

Red grinned then got worried, "That's so cool! But isn't Ash too young though? Most aura users I heard about were adults, aren't they?"

Lucario nodded , -I know this may be hard to believe but trust me. Ash has aura, it's very weak right now but soon as he grows up, his strength will grow too.-

Cypress, "Ah! We have time then. Don't worry Red your brother has to grow up first before he can start using aura."

Delia piped up, "In the meantime we celebrate ~ I'll go get Ash, it's time for food."

Red cheered and Cypress, while very proud was also worried what it meant for Ash in the future. It could be good and it could also be bad. He supposed he could worry about it in the future though. They had time before it could be noticed by humans anyway.

(To be continued......
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter
I certainly did...
Oh dear looks like the Pokemon noticed him.
Till next time my lovely readers!)

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