22. Things happen

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(Hello everyone....
Pokemon is not mine. The art is from 9gag in instagram.

Before anyone knew it, more than one week had passed on the island. Blaine had talked to Samuel and he had agreed to allow his grandson and Ash to stay another week. Blaine had seen what they could do and was very curious about what else they can come up with. Samuel had become visibly shocked when he was informed about Lance's condition, but at the same time he looked a bit relieved.

Blaine mused to himself, 'He was probably just glad his kids weren't the only ones with this ability out there. It doesn't really help that Lance caught some Team Rocket operatives during his mission. Luckily they did not seem to have a clue about the kids existence.'

Blaine pinched his nose just remembering the mess, the clean up had become. Lance had requested back up when he spied Team Rocket on the island. Two of his brightest Trix and Rex had gone as back up to help Lance gather intel and capture them. Things had turned downhill very quickly when it turned out Team Rocket were there to capture, detain and control Lady Moltress. The only good side was Lance got Moltress' blessings and they came back alive although Trix got shot in her arm and Rex broke his leg while fighting off the goons. Their Pokemon had quickly rushed them to the emergency room the moment they had returned. Trix lost a lot of blood but survived the encounter while Rex and Lance were giving a report on what happened.


Blaine barked at them, "Report!"

Lance, "My journey up the mountain was going well for the first two days and there was nothing out of place that was noticeable. On my third day, however my Pokemon, Dratini who was scouting the area came back with information about suspicious people on the area."

Blaine, "You were able to understand Dratini?"

Lance nodded slowly as if unable to believe it, "It took a few tries, but yes, I'm able to understand what she is saying. However, it seems that I can only communicate with the Pokemon who have dragon typing otherwise, it is impossible."

Blaine rubbed his chin, "It is still incredible. Is there any other abilities that you have managed to use?"

Lance shook his head, "No, I have not unfortunately, perhaps in the future? I might be able to do it. However, going back to my report, after I was informed, I followed Dratini and spied on a group of Team Rocket operatives being led by the infamous Stewart Pop, who is known for his less than stellar interest in children. I called for back up after learning there were a total of twelve of them on the island. Rex and Trix joined us as I was mapping out their exits and entries, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. The three of us agreed to attack under the cover of the night and we would have too if they hadn't found Moltres and started to capture her."

Lance placed the lantern holding Moltress' flame on the table, "We had to adjust our plan and move in before night fell to get Moltress out of the ship, they were using to transport her. To say she was furious would be an understatement. We had a hard time trying to get her out without getting hit by her flames, while also dealing with the operatives. I don't know how it happened but half way through on the second day of the fight, I somehow managed to win Lady Moltres favor and got the blessings, thus fulfilling one of my mission."

Blaine nodded, "Thank you Champion! Now I believe there are two people waiting for you to return."

Lance smiled, "I will go meet them after cleaning up and healing. I would rather they don't see me this messy."

Flashback end!

Lance left the leader to his thoughts and gave a sigh one he reached his assigned room. He had not expected this mission to take five whole days, yet it did. He was exhausted physically and mentally, he had not slept properly for five days at all only twelve hours in total. After taking a nice, long shower to wash off the dirt and feeling of blood on him, he went out in search of his Pokemon that he had left at the healing ward. They had spent the day and night resting, the next day though Lance sat in one of the private rooms trying to reach his core. It was harder then he had previously thought and left him pale and gasping for air as he felt another chain fall.

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