55. On board

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon and Harry Potter, The Tale of three brothers are not mine. The art is not mine it's by Seijin on deviant art and twitter.

The luxury ship, S. S. Anne was a pretty large and beautiful triple decker ship. Ash never paid much attention to vehicles before but even he could admit travelling in a ship like this would be enjoyable and luxurious. Gary pulled him over towards the ballroom, away from his sight seeing. Ash looked up to see Green dressed up and looking very handsome in the dress shirt.

Ash whispered to Gary, "Wao! Green looks so grown up like that."

Gary nodded walking over to the table Green was sitting on talking to another, "Yeah. Do you think we should have dressed up too?"

Ash looked at his dress, "Um... We are sort of underdressed. Eh he he he he he!"

Pikachu, -I think, you look fine.-

Eevee, -Yeah.-

Green saw them before they could do anything, "Gary! Ash! There you are. Come on, over here."

Gary smiled at him, "I think, we are underdressed big brother."

Ash nodded looking around, "Everyone looks like they dressed up for this."

The man beside Green laughed, "Oh no, kids. You look just fine, it's only necessary for the Gym leaders, representatives and other high profile people to dress up as fancy as we are."

Pikachu, -See?-

Eevee, -Go relax and eat dinner. We'll be over there.-

Garchomp, -I see my partner, I'm going to join him.-

Braxien, -Thank you for helping me watch over them.-

Garchomp nodded before leaving, -We are family, it's no trouble.-

Ash looked at the man, "Oh okay, Mr.... "

The man smiled, "My name kids is Yoshi, and I'm here to represent my teacher and Gym leader Koga."

Ash scratched his head, "Isn't he the poison type specialist and part of the Jhoto Elite Four?"

Gary's eyes sparkled, "Is he here?"

Yoshi grinned, "He'll be here during the ceremony before leaving again, he has duties that he cannot ignore currently."

Green, "Being an Elite is not easy, is it?"

Yoshi, "That's what my Master says but he also says, it's very satisfying."

Gary turned to Green, "You plan on becoming a Champion and a Gym leader. Will you be an Elite too?"

Green smiled ruffling Gary's hair, "You sure have a lot of confidence, I'll be a Champion."

Ash looked at him, "We not only have confidence, we know, you will be a Champion."

Yoshi smiled, "You have two very adorable supporters, Green."

The two blushed while Green smirked, "I do, don't I? And as for your question Gary, it depends if I'm interested in specialising in a type or two in the future."

The light dimmed and a spot light was shown on stage where a woman appeared. She was the representative of Silph Co as well as the heiress, Amanda Silph. She greeted and welcomed everyone to the event and announced they would be opening the event by a battle between two Champions, Lance, the Jhoto-Kanto champion holder and Steven the champion of Hoenn. The crowd cheered as the two Champions took their places on the battlefield.

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