15. Cooper and the Fire Legendaries

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine, the art is from "Just a piece of your childhood" in Pinterest. It had no artist name or site name. If anyone knows please tell me so I can credit them.

Cooper watched the two boys prepare for their hiking trip or rather, as they like to call it, "foraging" trip. Now, Cooper knows, he spent a lot of time in the lab and most probably missed out on the latest craze and things kids were interested in lately. But, there's a big but, he's pretty darn sure that whatever kids did nowadays, they still enjoyed playing with Pokemon who are right there, present with them. They do not just decide to go foraging in a wild area and ignore the Pokemon present to play with them. Not to forget, said Pokemon were currently helping them pack their essentials. Who knew they would be very good helpers in packing stuff? Cooper was holding a video camera that was recording it all.

Cooper, 'No one will want to believe this even with this recording and proof. Even Trix's Charizard is into this! She's gonna flip when I show her.'

Ash turned to Cooper, "Mr Cooper! Do you want us to pack a specific type of lunch for you?"

Cooper held the vid cam, "What are you making?"

Gary answered, "Sushi and egg rolls for us, tomato flavoured poke food with extra tomatoes for Pikachu, berry flavoured ones for Eevee and spicy and sweet one for Magmar here. Not sure what your Houndoom and Hitmontop like though."

Cooper hummed, "I'm good with the sushi and egg rolls as long as there's no shrimp. I'm allergic to those. Houndoom loves chicken and apples while Hitmontop enjoys cinnamon and nut flavours."

Ash smiled, "Got ya! Just give us a few minutes to grab some bottles and we can go."

Cooper smiled at the two kids, "Sure kiddos."

Cooper watched them as his old friend Houndoom walked over to him and nudged him, "Hey buddy ~ Looks like we're gonna babysit and have an adventure at the same time."

Houndoom rumbled in his throat, he was looking forward to this. It had been far too long since his partner was cooped up in the lab. He needed to go out once in a while, his other teammate, Hitmontop joined him and stood beside them. The rest of their team were doing their own thing in different regions.

Pokemon pov:

Hitmontop, -They are interesting children.-

Houndoom, -Indeed, I wonder if our partner is actually ready for who we will meet out there.-

Hitmontop, -Nope, he's not, but it'll be good for him.-

Magmar from outside hollered, -Relax, they just want to meet the cubs.-

Pokemon pov end!

Houndoom nodded his agreement, his partner was not a normal trainer when he was younger although, he started from the same point as the rest of them. The league had seen his potential and when he was only fifteen years of age, he had been picked to be trained for battle. Not the gym or poke battles, but for life and death battles. He had been a fighter and an informant for the league for 20 years, still was and it worried the two of them.

Ash smiled as he walked up to them, "We're ready to go, Mr Cooper."

Gary, "Yup, we got all the things we need now."

Cooper smiled, the two of them were just adorable, "Alright let's go ~ Oh! And just call me Cooper okay. None of this Mr stuff."

Ash, "Sure Cooper." 

Gary, "Okay!"

Cooper led the kids out of the lab where the wild Magmar was waiting for them. The Magmar nodded and lead the way to the wilder side of the volcanic island. Cooper wanted to say something about that but held his tongue as he followed the kids who followed the Magmar. Houndoom stayed close to Gary and Eevee while Hitmontop stayed near Ash and Pikachu. Cooper realised they were in a diamond formation with the two children in between them.

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