42. Secrets Untold

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(Hello Everyone!
Pokemon is not mine. The art is by R-Sraven on deviant art. Check out their profile for more amazing masterpieces.

Ash hummed a tune, as he thought about his somewhat boring months after his older brother and Green left. It had been the longest peaceful period of time for him and Gary. Gary had commented how nothing interesting had happened at all and how he missed his brother a lot. The most interesting moment had been when Mew had come to the Oak ranch surprising the Professor and his assistants. It had been on one of the slower days too, when everyone just wanted to nap and do nothing. Mew turned out wanted to cuddle and would not go without his nap. The Professor had a ball of a time observing Mew up close.

Gary was just giving a finishing touch to his assignment spoke up, "You know..... I have been thinking about something."

Ash sighed softly, "What is it, Gary?"

Gary murmured, "I think, Green is hiding something from me."

Ash stopped writing before starting again, "You as well, huh?"

Gary looked up, "Red too?"

Ash nodded, "I don't have a doubt. I also bet it has something to do with the Mt Moon incident last month."

Gary scratched his chin, "The one on the news? Yeah, probably."

Ash sighed, "Dad and Uncle Blue were furious. They tried to keep a smiling face for us but I could feel their anger."

Gary looked down, "Should we ask them? Red and Green?"

Ash shook his head, "Not over the phone, no. We'll have to talk to them face to face. Whatever happened there made them very wary."

Gary, "Ah.... Like provide a safe place first then ask."

Ash nodded, "I'm finished with all my assignments. Even the one from Blaine."

Gary smiled, "Me too ~ We just need to send them to Blaine and submit the others tomorrow."

The two went down stairs to the lab where the Professor was working and announced they had completed their work. Samuel smiled and asked them to help in grooming the younger Pokemon while they took care of the older ones. Ash grinned and went out followed by Gary to the field where Charmander and Litten were following the Professor's Charizard around as he did his rounds. Their Everstone collars glinting in the sunlight as they ran beside the older Fire type. Pikachu and Eevee were following Blue's Gengar's instructions as he showed them how to create shadow ball.

Ash, "Hey guys ~ Time for grooming."

Gary grinned, "Yup ~ Who wants to go first?"

Gengar, -Let's take a break for now. You two have been training for three hours straight.-

Pikachu, -I almost got it though.-

Eevee, -I guess.-

Charizard flew back down, -That's enough running for now little ones, we will continue again tomorrow.-

Ash, "Charizard, Gengar thank you for helping our Pokemon."

Gary beamed, "Yeah, big guys. We really appreciate it."

The two older Pokemons nodded before leaving for their areas. The two boys went with the four Pokemon towards the area where the younger Pokemon were kept. The young Pokemon invited them to join them enthusiastically. Ash and Gary both grinned as they started their work and started to groom the young Pokemon one by one. It has been truly peaceful few months for them although the same could not be said for the older siblings.

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