8. The little Pichu

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(Hello Pokemon fans and lovers!
I'm back with another chapter for you all!
Pokemon doesn't belong to me, the art is done by LukeFielding on deviant art. Follow them for more cute arts!

Ash and Gary spent the time after lunch playing with the Pokemon in the field. Arcanine watched over them to make sure they didn't get into any trouble. Half way through lunch they had been joined by two really cute Meowth, who smelt the food. Gary laughed at the cutesy faces they were making before taking out more Pokefood for them. Ash giggled as he played with the wild Pokemon. As he made colorful balls for everyone to play with, Gary noticed the balls were bigger and thicker then before.

Gary was holding one, "Hey Ash.. They look a bit different today."

Ash smiled, "The more I practice making them, the better they become, brighter and lasts longer as well!"

Gary pointed at Mew, "Is it like a Pokemon move? Because Mew here can do the same except it's only one color."

Mew who heard that looked down at the sphere he had made and looked at the spheres Ash had made. The Pokemon got a contemplating look on he's face.

Mew, -I never even thought about different colors before. Hmmm ~ Guess I will be training for a while.-

Pichu who was playing with his own red and black sphere looked at Mew, -You're going to train? Aren't you a legendary Pokemon?-

Mew giggled, -Just because I'm legendary, it doesn't mean, I can't learn new things you know.-

Pichu blushed at the gentle reprimand, -It's just that you're a legendary so I thought.... You know.-

Mew, -Hmm, I get it little one but you see life is always full of new surprises and new experiences. You never know when you might learn something new, like today.-

Pichu smiled, -Yeah, I guess so, I always thought humans would be scary but these two aren't so bad.-

Mew snickers, -Yup, you have to worry about Papa Arcanine more.-

Ash looked at his orb, "This takes a lot of focus and power to create but once it's made it lasts for quite a while. You can even use it at night."

Gary, "I haven't told anyone about this yet but I think my brother suspects something. I want to tell him Ash."

Ash smiled, "Don't worry Gary, we'll tell him together, I promise. Mom and Dad are planning a dinner with both of our families, we'll tell everyone then."

Gary gave a sigh of relief, "That's great! I don't think I can keep this secret for a long time  maybe a few weeks but, even then I can't guarantee it much."

Ash laughed hugging his friend, "You don't need to wait long, Gary. By the end of the month both of our families will know."

Gary hugged back, "End of this month so in two and half weeks? I can wait till then!"

Gary picked up his camera and took a shot of the Pokemon especially Mew who it seems was talking to the little Pichu, "Heh! Till then I'll distract them with pictures of Mew."

Ash giggled, "You're gonna give your Grandpa a coronary."

Gary puffed, "He totally deserves it, especially after the stunt he pulled on me to wake me up today. Humph!"

Ash laughed taking out his own camera and taking pictures of the wild Pokemon. He knew his brother would love looking at these photos, he liked the last batch. As they were playing, they went closer to the trees, Ash wanted to see if he could collect some moss.

Gary, "Why moss?"

Ash, "Certain types of moss like lichen can be eaten, while sphagnum can be used to dress wound and cuts. The tea made from Polar star moss can get rid of sea sickness."

Gary looked at the moss on the tree contemplatively, "Huh! I never thought moss could be useful."

Ash grinned, "Some of the moss however can be used for something else. The Spanish moss can be used for outdoor beds in camping. I have read it's really soft."

Gary laughed, "Pffffffffffft, wait till Green hears that. He won't believe me and grumble about how his shirt will turn green instead, pun intended."

Ash who looked at the place they had reached, "Ah look Gary. That's lichen moss, we must be really lucky today."

Gary looked at the place Ash was pointing at, "That white greenish moss is lichen.... Doesn't look like much does it? Can Pokemon eat it?"

Arcanine who had been following them nodded, -Wild bug and grass types do and some normal types as well.-

Ash who had taken out a bottle to collect some samples, "Arcanine says they do, do you want to collect some?"

Gary nodded going for his own bottle, "Yeah but I guess, I'll have to read on how to grow moss. I remember there was a book on moss farming in the library."

The two of them collected the samples and as they were about to leave Gary stumbled and almost fell if it weren't for Ash who held him. They were both confused by what happened and looked at what caused Gary to stumble.

Ash pointed at an oval brownish item on the grass, "Uhhhh, is that an egg?"

Gary checked it over, "Yeah it is and luckily it's not cracked or anything either. Wonder who it belongs to... Let's ask the Pokemon, maybe they might know."

Ash nodded in agreement and went with Gary to show the egg to the wild Pokemon who shook their heads when asked if it belonged to any of them. Pichu approached Ash and made hand gestures which Arcanine translated to Ash.

Arcanine, -The little one is saying it was left here one day and no one knows where it came from.-

Ash, "Oh! That's sad. Thanks for the explanation Pichu."

Pichu, -Welcome.-

Ash explained to Gary their little predicament, and Gary it seems was reluctant to leave the egg behind on it's own. Mew solved the problem by telling Arcanine they should take the egg with them. When Ash told Gary what Mew asked of Arcanine he was surprised.

Gary, "Are you sure? Is this okay?"

The wild Pokemon looked at each other then nodded at him and Ash smiled at his friend. He somehow just knew Gary would take good care of the little one when it hatched.

Gary grinned, "I will take good care of this fella, I promise."

Arcanine got up and stretched, -Its getting late. Time to go cubs, you little ones need to go too.-

Ash smiled at Arcanine before turning to Gary, "Yeah. Let's go home Gary. I think everyone will be happy to help you with the little one."

Gary laughed, "Everyone except Gramps who'll try to search Mew now, sorry Mew."

Mew giggled and shook his head signaling he didn't mind, he had fun with the previous people who searched for him before after all. Ash laughed knowing Mew would enjoy playing pranks on the Elder Oak. Arcanine led the two boys back to the clearing where they cleaned and packed everything up. The three of them headed back home after saying goodbye to the Pokemon who had become friends with them. Ash looked at Gary holding the Poke egg gently and couldn't help but blush thinking he would make a good father when he grows up.

They dropped Gary off at his house after explaining to his parents about the egg. Green and Red who had come to pick Ash up had laughed and joked Gary was already a trainer. Ash left after promising Gary he would come the next day to help care for the egg, it had made Leaf squeal in delight when Green told his sister about it over the video call. Green just wondered what Gary would drop on them during dinner when Gramps came home. He knew that look on Gary's eyes, he was looking forward to the mischief. What none of them noticed was the little tail Ash had following him home.

(To be continued......
He he he he he..... The dinner at the Oak's is gonna be a blast.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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