18. The Festival

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(Hello hello Pokemon fans
I'm back again with another chapter....
Pokemon is not mine and the cute art is made by Gesunderezepte on deviant art.

The group made it down the mountain in record time. Ash and Gary waved goodbye to their new Pokemon friends who were reluctant to leave, before going inside to get ready. Cooper left to inform his boss about everything that happened on the trip, especially the baby Numel. Ash helped Gary put on his outfit for the festival while Gary helped Ash with the belt. Ash was wearing a blue kimono with a white obi that had red petals embroidered while Gary wore a kimono with a black haori and a grey nagagi.

Gary, 'Ash looks beautiful.'

Ash, 'Gary looks handsome.'

Pikachu and Eevee ran in to the room only to stop when they saw their partners. They could not help but think the two of them really looked good together. They ran up to them to nuzzle them affectionately and to show off their own costumes for the festival that the girls had dressed them up in.

Ash rubbed Pikachu's head, "Looking good Pikachu ~"

Gary scratched Eevee's chin, "You look wonderful Eevee."

Pikachu, -Thanks Ash! You look beautiful today.-

Eevee, -You look really handsome too and together both of you look really good.-

Ash blushed at what Eevee had said getting a curious look from Gary to which Ash explained what they said. Gary's cheeks got a little pink when he understood what Eevee told him and he hugged the little canine in return.

Gary nuzzled Eevee and whispered, "Thank you Eevee."

Ash grabbed the fan that was on the table before turning to Gary with cheeks still a little pink, "We should get going."

Gary smiled and opened the door, "After you~"

Ash giggled and walked out and waited for Gary to catch up after he locked the door. The two held hands as they left their room and went to join Axel who was waiting for them at the festival grounds. As they were walking, they heard a shout coming from the lab. Gary and Ash laughed hearing it, that type of shout were becoming pretty familiar now. They heard it back home, from the Professor, their parents and siblings sometimes.

Gary stopped laughing, "So any idea how the gifts are going to help us? Do we need to hold them while using our powers or something?"

Ash giggled, "Well! We could make something to hold them like a necklace or bracelet or a ring or headband. I would say wands but I have no idea how to make that."

Gary hummed, "Wands would be cool but we would need to make a holder of sorts to keep the wand, I think the ring idea would be best. Maybe we can make earrings out of the feather and crystal."

Ash nodded, "Matching earrings? That sounds really good."

Gary's cheeks tinted a little pink when he realized what he was saying but did not change his mind, "Yeah! You can have one while I have the other."

They reached the festival grounds as they made plans on how they wanted the earrings to look like. They stopped talking and looked around for Axel, Luke and Lisa. They found the three of them waving from the food stand signaling them to come over. Ash and Gary waved back and walked over to join the three trainers. Lisa was wearing a pink kimono with a black obi that had pink petals on it. While Luke and Axel were both wearing black Yukatas with grey sash.

Lisa looked them over, "You two look really good today."

Axel snickered, "You are really lucky to have such an adorable and pretty girl beside you, Gary."

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