47. Birthdays

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine. Found that cake in DIY birthday cake ideas.
Adorable don't you think?

It had been a few days since summer camp ended and we can find our favorite boys on the way to Cerulean city to celebrate their friend's birthday. Ash couldn't believe how fast time flew by, he realized his brother and Green would be starting their journey soon as well. However, if Professor Oak, Uncle Blue, Dad and a few others had their way Red and Green will be starting their journeys after another year instead, once they turn thirteen, instead of twelve. The seven year old soon to be eight had a complicated expression as he thought about his own future.

Gary looked outside the bus window, "We are almost there. Are you okay? You have been very quiet."

Ash blinked, "I was just thinking of Red's birthday. It's coming soon, ........he will be twelve soon."

Pikachu looked at Ash, -Ash?-

Gary gave a sigh, "Yeah! Green did not want to celebrate his birthday. He just asked for a dinner gathering, though we got him gifts. He refused to have a party."

Eevee nuzzled Gary, -They are just growing up.-

Ash nodded, "I think Red will be the same."

Gary grinned, "After Red's birthday it's yours next month. You will be eight like me and of course Misty, who's turning eight today."

Ash smiled, "Can't wait. I hope Green and Red will be able to attend my birthday. I know their training is picking up and going fast."

Charmander, -Party, party, party!-

Litten just yawned, -We are here!-

The driver called out, "Cerulean bus stop."

Gary smiled, "Don't worry Ash, they'll be here.", he then held Ash's hand as they got down from the bus.

Delia who was holding Molly, "Stay close kids."

At the bus stop they were met by Goh, Chloe and Ritchie with a Pichu who waved them over to join them. Delia who had escorted them giggled as she led her kids to the group waiting for them. Professor Sakuragi who was curious about the new friends his daughter had made had come along to greet them. Delia was pleased to know her kids made more friends. She knew most kids in Pallet town were either intimidated or jealous of the two to bother being friends with them. And that had worried her, as they had pretty much been isolated from the rest of the children. Even Red and Green had friends in three other kids their age back in Pallet town, two girls named Yellow and Nessa and two boys named Gold and Ruby. They had moved to different regions with their parents but they still kept their friendship alive by calls and letters.

Delia greeted them, "Hello I'm Ash's mom. This cutie patootie here is my niece Molly. Nice to meet more of my kids' friends."

Professor Sakuragi greeted them as well, "Pleasure is mine. It's wonderful to meet my daughter's friends as well."

Goh, "Alright! We get to meet Misty for real."

Ritchie, "Yeah! I know we have been talking in video chats and all but meeting in person is different. Oh and this here is Sparky. She's my Pichu."

Chloe hummed, "It'll be nice to not be the only girl in the group."

Ash giggled, "You still can't be disappointed I turned out to be a guy. Hello Sparky."

Sparky, -Hi.-

Pikachu, -Welcome to the club!-

Eevee, -Don't worry we'll tell you everything you need to know.-

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