9. A Dinner with the Oaks

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter for you all....
Pokemon is not mine and the picture is a screenshot from YouTube video simply called Food in anime.
It looks really good doesn't it?

Delia, Mr Mime and Chansey had been working hard in the kitchen today. The Ketchums had invited the Oaks for a get together dinner. The kitchen was a whirlwind of cutting, cooking, baking, prepping and the lovely delicious smells wafted out the whole day. Ash and Red had helped in cutting up the vegetables and meat while their mom prepared the dishes. Now Ash was spending time with his big brother and the Pichu that had followed him home from the last visit to the forest.


Red hollered, "Mom, we're back! I picked Ash up from Green's place too."

Delia's head appeared from behind the kitchen door, "Welcome back dears ~ Oh my.... Did you pick up a stray?"

Ash looked at his mom confused, "What do mean mama?"

Delia pointed at the little yellow head peaking out of the fence, "Over there Ashy."

Arcanine gave a huff and went to grab the Pichu by the back of it's collar. To say Ash and Red were surprised was an understatement. They didn't expect a Pokemon to follow them home. Let alone a Pichu. Wild Pichu specifically were known for being wary and shy of humans. Arcanine dropped the Pichu near them.

Pichu rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, -Eh he he he he! Hi there?-

Arcanine rumbled amused, -You know, they cannot understand you right?-

Pichu pointed at Ash, -He understands you just fine though.-

Arcanine rumbled, -Because we know each other well, little cub. We are pack. And he is my cub, they both are.-

Pichu sighed deflating, -That sounds really nice though...-

Ash, who only heard Arcanine's part of the conversation was flushed feeling very happy. Red looked at Ash in confusion and Ash explained what Arcanine had just said. Red and Delia beamed with happiness as well. They remembered how hurt and untrusting Arcanine had been when he first followed Cypress home. He had come a long way from that hurt Pokemon to family or as Arcanine loved to call them pack. The three of them had after that welcomed the little Pichu home and Cypress and Lucario had laughed and sighed respectively when they learned about what happened.

The Ketchum family had grown slightly bigger, now with Pichu joining and if Red didn't know any better, Ash had found his starter Pokemon. Red mentioned it to his Mom and she had agreed. Her starter had also been Mr Mime who she met on her own instead of the popular three starters. After dinner Ash had told them of their adventure and showed the pictures they had taken in the forest. To say that Cypress had been shocked at seeing Mew was an understatement. He and Delia shared worried glances but smiled infront of their two boys.

Red though was ecstatic, "Ash? Would you mind if I kept one of Mew's photos?"

Ash smiled, "No, not at all. I don't mind. I can get more photos later."

Red grinned, "Great ~ I'll get you more camera rolls in return."

Red couldn't wait to talk to Green, he had no doubt, Gary had shared their adventure with his family. For some reason he could see professor Oak getting getting flabbergasted and couldn't help but snicker.

At the Oak house around dessert time:

Gary grinned, "Big bro, check out this photos."

Green who was indulging his brother looked shocked, "Holy Arceus, Gary! Is this Mew?"

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