49. Secret Shared

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine! Harry Potter is not mine either. That is a screenshot from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

The gang had gotten together for a sleepover before Halloween which this year landed on a weekend Sunday much to everyone's delight. Ash and Gary had asked their parents and the other kid's parents for permission. At first, their friend's parents were not sure about it but after listening to Delia and Rosalind's assurance they let their children go to the sleepover. Leaf and Lily had agreed to watch over them, and Riley had to do a solo mission so Red had returned home for the week to join them. Sabrina had given Green a break as well, seeing how well his lessons in not only Psychic abilities but also in being a Gym Leader were going well.

Green had been delighted to be home and spend the first night cuddling with Gary and Leaf just like Red was with Ash. Their parents were however leaving for important work and left the older kids in charge. Leaf, Red and Green took Lily aside to one room and started to explain a few things about themselves much to her surprise and astonishment. She looked at the room her sister and friends were in then looked back at her three friends and nodded understanding. She would watch over them and get her sisters to watch out for them as well. Meanwhile Ash and Gary had just finished explaining their abilities and given a small demonstration.

Misty put her cup of hot chocolate down, "Do you think we could do it too?"

Chloe looked at Misty, "Do what?"

Misty looked at Ash, "Those abilities you have, do you think we could do it as well."

Ritchie's eyes twinkled, "It'll be cool, if we could."

Gary smiled softly, "You might be able to do what we can or you might be able to do something completely different from us."

Goh, "What do you mean?"

Ash finished his cup of chocolate, "What Gary means is everyone is different. Red, my big brother is what we call an Aura Guardian, Green, Gary's big brother is a Psychic User."

Goh looked at the other room that had the older kids, "What? Seriously? They don't look like they are, I mean."

Gary smiled, "Because they don't want just anyone to know. The reason the two of us are telling you this is because we trust you."

Ash nodded, "You are our friends."

Ritchie got up and hugged them, "I will not tell anyone, I promise."

Misty got up joining the hug from Gary's side, "Me too, you can count on me."

Chloe hugged them from behind, "It will be our secret."

Goh smiled hugging them from Ash's side, "No one else will know unless you tell them. It is your secret."

Ash was touched, "Thank you."

Gary moved out of the hug, "Well then, I guess it's time we showed you another secret."

Ash got up as well and giggled, "Yeah come on."

Gary turned to Ritchie, "Ritchie, your mom is a Ranger right?"

Ritchie nodded, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

Ash smiled, "Dad will probably talk to her about this as well."

Ritchie blinked before nodding, "I'm guessing Professor Oak is speaking to Professor Sakuragi then."

Gary, "Yeah Gramps is, Dad will be talking to your Dad, Misty and our Moms will be talking to Gou's parents."

Gou gave a hum, "So aside from us, our families will know about this and no one else."

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