34. The Tree of Beginning

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(Hello everyone.
Pokemon is not mine.
That is a screenshot from the movie, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
I love that movie so much.
"talking "
'thinking '
-pokespeech -

Gary woke up to light falling on his face, he woke up slowly opening his eyes and feeling a very comfortable warmth coming from his left. He looked down and saw Ash cuddling with him sound asleep. Gary looked around and saw they were in a garden of some sort filled with flowers of different kind blooming all around them. He yawned and decided to sleep a bit longer as he was feeling too comfortable to get up and it was still early. After he fell asleep however, Mew had rushed over to the two of them looking around and noticed the flowers that were blooming now.

Mew frowned, -These weren't here before.-

Mew shook his head and decided to cuddle with the two kids instead, he was searching for more fruits but decided the amount he collected would have to do. Ash and Gary meanwhile were sleeping peacefully ignorant to Mew's concern. After a while even Mew fell asleep as the two kids moved around a bit and the three of them became comfortable. Mew slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep feeling the loving warmth coming from the two around him.

Ash's mindscape an hour ago:

Ash looked around his core, "Ah! It has become bigger, that tree was not here before."

Death, "Yes it has ~"

Ash turned around, "Death? Welcome back!"

Death accepted the hug they got from Ash and pat his head, "I'm back child. How are you doing?"

Ash launched into an explanation of everything that happened since their last meeting. How they met one of the good Professor's friend, their stay in Cinnabar Island, meeting the Fire legendaries, Moltres and Entei, making new friends, finding out their older siblings had abilities too and the recent adventures in Rota. Death sat listening amused by the reactions of the mortals to their child and Ash moved closer to Death till he was sitting hugging them.

Death spoke after a while, "I see your soul half has woken up."

Ash was puzzled, "Soul half? Don't you mean mate?"

Death shook their head, "Half little one. You are too young for mate and soul mates are different matter I'll explain in the future."

Ash nodded, "Who do you mean by soul half?"

Death explained, "When I reincarnated you in this world with your memories still intact. I had to make do by giving up something else."

Ash looked fascinated, "Oh? What did you give?"

Death looked at their child, "I had to break off some part of your soul and make space for new one so you could be born here without disturbing the balance and the cycle."

Ash looked thoughtful, "And the person who got that part of my soul is someone I know, isn't it? Is it Gary?"

Death shook his head, "No, it's not him."

Now Ash was curious, "Who is it then?"

Death gave a chuckle, "You know them quite well little one!"

Ash pouted, "Please just tell me."

Death tapped his head, "Think child, who is the one that was close to you when you were born? Who do you cling to naturally? Soul halves are not soulmates but they are two parts of a soul. Who is it that you need to see everyday?"

Ash wrinkled his head before he got an understanding look, "Red?"

Death simply nodded and Ash got teary eyed, "You know I always thought Red was the best boon and gift you gave me in this life. And now....now this just makes him even more important to me."

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