32. The Palace Ball

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine. That dress is from 'Ostty ball gown for Kids', collection. This is the closest dress I could find for what I imagine Ash will wear. The designs are lighter than what is shown in the picture.

The breakfast went by as expected, with the Aura Guardians asking Lucario questions about his time and Lucario asking them about what happened after he was sealed. They all had to admit, they did not have much information about the events following the war and after Sir Aaron's death. Lucario was annoyed by the lack of information and gave a huff before turning to the children who had sat beside him. He half wondered if they had strategical sat themselves around him so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by questions from curious Guardians.

Lucario turned to observe his older brethren, -I'm surprised, you chose a non - Aura user as your Master.-

Luc gave him a smile, -He is my pack and partner. Not my Master. He refuses to be called such. And I followed my instincts when I decided to follow him. I was not led astray.-

Cypress mumbled, "Follow? Don't you mean stalked me till I had to agree?"

Ash giggled at his family's antics, "Uncle Luc is family. He has been taking care of me since I can remember."

Gary nodded, "Uh huh! You can say that again. Uncle Luc is the coolest."

Lucario blinked as he observed the family in front of him, -You two are different from what I expected.-

Red looked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Lucario shrugged, -When I felt their presence, I thought it was another aura user. But I see I was wrong, you are not an Aura user nor are you a psychic. You are something else.-

Green laughed holding Gary's shoulder, "Figures you would notice. My baby brother is special."

Lucario nodded turning to Red, -Its hard to ignore them. If you don't mind me asking how long were you training? Your aura strength is very high.-

Red blinked before laughing sheepishly, "I just started physical training a few months ago."

Lucario, -You are a gifted.-

Arwen got up, "Yes, he is! My Lady, thank you for the meal but we need to get on with what we gathered here for. Young man, if you would come with us we would like to test you in aura combat."

Red nodded in agreement before getting up and following the older Aura Guardians while the younger ones stayed back. Gary looked at Green as if to ask why he didn't go with Red but Green explained initiations were mostly private, his certainly was. Lucario nodded and said it was the same for him and Sir Aaron before when they first joined the Guardians. This got Riley's interest and he started to ask questions about the customs of the past and compare them with those in the present.

Riley was fascinated, "Huh, I had no idea having Fire Pokemon gather in the castle to warm up was a practice started by Sir Aaron."

Lucario smiled a bit, -My Queen was sceptical about it but after seeing the benefits she made it tradition for all fire types to get a free place to stay at the castle during winter.-

Lucario's eyes dimmed a bit thinking about the past both happy and sad times. Luc pat his shoulder before getting up to follow his partner outside, Cypress had agreed to patrol the area as an added security for the festival today. They were having the Hero Festival in memory of Sir Aaron's sacrifice many years ago, Lucario wanted to laugh. He was not so angry anymore but he still held many questions.

Lucario gave a quite, -Why?-

Green spoke up, "Maybe because he wanted you to live?"

Lucario was startled, -What do you mean?-

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