7. Meeting Mew

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter inspired by another fanart.
The art was made by the artist, Gotta catch'em all, from Tumblr.
Please check it out! Their art is amazing!
Pokemon doesn't belong to me!

It had been a week since the trip to the forest. A week since Ash had told his family about Gary knowing about his abilities. His Dad was visibly worried, but Ash had assured him Gary had promised not to tell anyone about it. Gary had never broken a promise before and Ash trusted him.


Ash, "Mom, Dad, big brother... I told Gary about what I can do."

Cypress frowned, "What? Is that wise?"

Delia looked worried, "Oh honey! I know that sometimes you want to share things with friends but.... Is this safe?"

Ash, "Mom, Dad don't worry, Gary promised not to tell anyone. I trust him."

Red looked at Ash sadly, "Baby bro.. It's not that we don't trust Gary. We are worried about his safety."

Ash became a little troubled, "What do you mean?"

Cypress, "What your brother means kiddo is that... There are many people out there that covet and want your abilities. And they will use any method they can to get to you. Even hurt Gary, if they realize he knew about it."

Ash's eyes widened, "Ahhhhh! I didn't think about that, I'll need to come up with a way to protect him."

Red, "Don't worry little bro. We'll figure this out... Hey, I kinda wanted to tell Green and the rest of the family about this."

Cypress, "Red!"

Red, "No, Dad hear me out. Okay! So, I'll be starting my journey in a few years soon. Aside from Green my scores in practical are among the highest. Both Green and I will start at the earliest around 10 years. Ash here is smart and I don't doubt he and Gary will start early as well. The three of us can't always be with Ash. But if we have trusted people who already know to watch out for him, won't it be easier?"

Lucario, -Master, young Red's idea has merit. You should consider trusting them at least. I know for a fact the Elder Oak has many trustworthy people.-

Cypress sighed, "Perhaps! We should have a family gathering and explain it to them."

Red smiled, "Thanks Dad ~ I don't like keeping things from Green, he is my best friend."

Delia giggled hearing that and started to plan the family dinner for two families. They had decided to have it a month from now to make sure everyone was there.

Flashback end!

Right now however! Ash was preparing for another play date with Gary. This time however Cypress wanted Lucario to go with him and Chansey. This left Arcanine to watch over Ash, the large Dog Pokemon didn't mind. If anything he considered Ash his cub and would not allow him to be hurt, the way his previous trainer was killed. He would always mourn his trainer's death, she didn't deserve what the goons did to her, he would do what he promised her, Topaz Jenny, to live and protect.

Arcanine nudged Ash's cheek, -Ready cub?-

Ash grinned, "Ready as always Arca! We just need to pick up the lunch basket and Gary."

They both went to the kitchen where they saw the lunch basket as well as Arcanine's strap bag with a note on it.

"Ash sweetie,

I need to rush to the store as new supplies just reached and they require my help. I have already prepared the strap-on bag for Arcanine to wear. It has the extra things you need like bottles, picnic mat and first aid. Have fun sweetheart and remember to always stay close to Arcanine.

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