60. Molly's Dreams

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter!
Harry Potter and the tale of three brothers and Pokemon are not mine. The picture is from a pokebook. Lol
I took that pic while going through a pokebook at the mart.

Molly was a very simple girl with very simple dreams, desires and wants. She did not have any interest in becoming a famous individual or growing strong or having rivals. It was not something that interested her, all she wanted was her family to be together. She missed her mommy and daddy a lot but there was nothing she could do about it, as her mommy and daddy's work were important. She sometimes wished her Mama and Papa were here with her instead, oh she knew, Ash and Gary were not her parents, she knew very well. But.... She couldn't help it, she felt safe and loved when she was with them, for as long as she could remember and she loved them back just as much. And she even had her Daddy back, she smiled looking at Entei who was giving her a ride.

Molly, "Do you think I can be a trainer Daddy?"

Entei, "You can become anyone or anything, you wish to be Molly."

Molly closed her eyes and wished to be a trainer and grinned, "I believe, I can Daddy."

Red looked around the place they were in, "This looks like..... "

Green, "That page from the book Gary used to read Molly."

Mewtwo, -Someone's coming.-

They looked at where Mewtwo was looking and saw a path way form out of thin air. As they watched, they saw Entei who entered through the pathway and landed infront of them with an older woman riding on his back. Red thought she looked familiar and wondered what she was doing here warily watching her. 

Mewtwo whispered, -Not human.-

Yellow, "What?"

Molly grinned, "Hi Uncle Red and Uncle Green, Mama and Papa said, you are here to play with me."

Green looked at her, "Molly? When.. How did you? What happened to you?"

Molly grinned, "I wish to be bigger so I could become a trainer."

Molly twirled around, "I look like a trainer right?"

Gold looked at her, "You certainly do kid, now if you are a trainer, how about we have a battle?"

Molly got excited, "I would love to battle you as well. How do we do it? One on one or three on three?"

Gold looked at Red, Green and Yellow, "Three on three. I want to see what you can do kid."

Gold, "Let's go, Typholsion, be careful."

Molly, "I choose Teddiursa, let's start battling, begin with mega punch."

Gold wrinkled his eyebrows, "Flame wheel."

However Teddiursa defeated Typholsion very easily making Gold frown, he needed to buy time.

Gold, "Let's go, Togekiss, use fairy wind."

Molly giggles, "Let's go, Eevee, use copy cat."

Red got the message and started to move towards the open pathway pulling Yellow and Green along with him. Yellow watched as Typholsion and Togekiss made an appearance and fought against what looked like a crystallised Teddiursa and Eevee? She was gaping as she ran upwards towards the opening. The moment they reached the opening Yellow gaped again, infront of her was a beautiful sunny beach with red hibiscus growing on the shore.

Green, "She really recreated that book, Huh?"

Red frowned, "Let's keep moving."

They searched for an opening and found it and would have left but they heard a voice, "There you are! I beat Gold who will battle me next?"

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