10. The Talk

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(Hello everyone!
Anyone else played Final Fantasy 7 remake?
Pokemon is not mine, the art is not mine.

Gary and Ash had sat together after their dinner and were playing with the Pokemon. Pichu and Eevee were delighted to have the attention of their favourite humans and enjoyed playing with them. Leaf, Red and Green had gotten up to help take the used dishes to the kitchen to be cleaned while Rosalind joined Delia at the counter to help her carry the dessert.

Rosalind, "Lia flower, these look divine. You truly are very gifted when it comes to the kitchen."

Delia giggled delighted at the praise coming from her long time friend, "Why, thank you, Rose ~ You have such a sweet mouth. I swear, if you were a guy instead of a girl, I would have married you instead."

Rosalind laughed, "Our poor, poor husbands would have been completely lost then."

Delia snickered, "Oh ~ I'm sure they would have survived somehow."

Rosalind looked at her best and oldest friend in the world. They had both met at high school, in the beginning they didn't even talk to each other. Then there was that one bullying incident where she was cornered by three other students and Delia had saved her using her quick wit.


Rosalind was minding her own business in Castello High, a very prestigious school in Hoenn region for the talented and gifted. Then she was cornered by two girls and a guy that she believed to be one of their boyfriend? She wasn't sure what their names were, and she didn't really care, to be honest.

Rosalind drawled, "Yes, do you need something?"

Girl number one huffed, "You middle class brats don't have a place in this school."

Girl number two agreed, "Yeah! Go back to your poor public school in Kanto."

Boy sneered, "Which guy did you sleep with to enter here, huh?"

Rosalind who was ignoring their incessant babbling got pissed off, she may come from a middle class family but her parents worked their asses off to allow her to follow her dreams. How dare they! She was about to punch them when she heard a shout around the corner.

"Over here, Professor! They are smoking here. I saw them."

Girl number 1, "Drat it's that goody two shoes again. Let's get out of here."

Girl number 2, "You better watch out."

The three brats had ran off after that leaving her behind. Rosalind being curious went to see what was going on only to be surprised when she saw it was one of her classmates. Well one of her smarter and decent classmates that is looking at her. Delia Rueben, she believes her name was.

Delia asked in concern, "Are you alright? They didn't do anything right?"

Rosalind smiled at her, "I'm fine. Weren't you with a teacher here?"

Delia stuck out her tongue, "Nope ~ I lied and it worked. They ran off like the cowards, they are."

Rosalind snorted and after that incident they started to meet up for study group that consisted of her, Delia and another guy, Devon. They had become the high rank trio, with their marks always being the top of their respective class. The three of them had remained best friends through university going their own paths but staying in contact.

Flashback end!

Delia cleared the table and ushered Rosalind to place the desserts on it before going to get the children. The men who had gone out for a smoke and talk returned to the room.

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