13. Entei's Curiosity

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The art is so fine and beautiful. It's from Pinterest, i.pinimg.com.
Pokemon is not mine. The art is not mine.

As the four humans entered the lab at the base of the volcano, they were unaware of the fact they were being observed. The red eyes of the Legendary Pokemon followed them as they went inside the lab and disappeared from sight. He had felt the curious power of aura and something else, the moment it stepped inside his territory. If it were not for the fact the power did not feel hostile, he would have confronted them and probably battled them. For now however, he would watch them and he was very curious about the power. It felt like fire aura and yet so different from it too.

Pokemon pov:

Magmar approached him, -Lord Entei, that power, it is coming from one of the two human cubs, isn't it?-

Entei rumbled nodding, -Yes, it is, my warrior. I do wonder, who it is coming from though. They are both very young.-

Magmar looked down at the lab, -If you want, I can ask my sibling to watch them. He is after all part of the Gym leader's team and one of the strongest fire types on this island.-

Entei eyed the human settlement, -Perhaps later, after they have settled down. I do wish to meet them myself at one point and make a decision myself. Hmmm, what's this? I can feel Mew's aura on them. The three mischievous siblings marked them. How interesting!-

Magmar looked fascinated, -Truly? How very fascinating indeed!-

Before Entei could answer, they felt a familiar aura approaching them. It was coming from the sky making them look up. They saw the familiar flame silhouette of the fire bird from the orange islands who shared Entei's territory. Magmar got defensive worried if the two legendaries fight it would be a disaster. The phoenix flew towards them and stopped in front of them hovering in mid air, looking very majestic and regal. Magmar twitched when his sharp hearing heard a few humans gasp and shout about the fire bird's presence.

Moltres, -Hello, flame brother!-

Magmar relaxed as Entei returned the greeting, -Greetings flame sister!-

Moltres ignored the loud banter coming from the humans, -I felt a very curious power entering the Fire domain. Yet you did not stop it. Why?-

Entei looked down at the labs, -Mostly curiosity and I don't go around hunting cubs.-

Moltres looked at the lab and deadpanned, -I certainly hope the humans here are not attempting to recreate Pokemon like the ones in the place humans call 'New Islands'. Foolish creatures!-

Entei was looking at her amused, -Well sister, I'll be happy to inform you that, no they are not doing that.-

At that Moltres looked startled, -Oh? Does that mean we have a new Pokemon we didn't know about? How very curious! I can feel the aura of the three Mew siblings. Don't tell me they were the ones to create a new Pokemon.-

Entei started to snicker making Moltres stop her ranting. She looked at her flame Lord pseudo sibling with an affronted look. Magmar almost snickered watching their interactions and Lady Moltres pouting. If he had not known them for as long as he did, he would have thought they were a couple.

Entei rumbled amused, -Not a Pokemon not even close. It is actually a human child.-

Moltres gaped with her beak opening and closing, -A human child? Is this world coming to an end? A child with power?-

Entei looked down noticing the two children he was talking about playing with the fire Pokemon in the fields adjacent to the labs. He motioned his Flame sibling and pointed the two of them out to her. Moltres watched in disbelief, she could feel the power of the Flame and yet there was more. She could also feel the blessings the three trouble making Mews had left on the two chicks.

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