39. See you again

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine, the art is done by lexus2jzge on deviant art. Check out their profile for more.

Lucario was shocked when he saw the person in the crystal. He had no doubt that he was his teacher and Master, Sir Aaron. Ash pulled at one of Lucario's paw making the taller aura Pokemon snap out of his daze and look at the child. The young boy, Charmander and Pikachu were looking at him with worry. The other young child was with the two apprentices and Guardian who were looking at him with worry as well.

Lucario took a deep breath, -May I have a moment?-

Ash opened his mouth before closing it and nodded, "Okay! We are right here if you need us."

Lucario nodded and turned to Mew, -Lord Mew.-

Mew flew towards Lucario as the five humans and the rest of the Pokemon moved further away from the two of them. Green's eyes had widened, when he had noticed the figure inside and he realized what he had previously said to Lucario was true after all. Red was quite as he held Ash's hand and walked, giving the two Pokemon privacy, Gary was holding his other and kept looking back again and again. Riley simply led the way for the group his mind lost in thought.

Riley spoke softly, "You know we had always wondered what happened to him."

Green snapped out of his thoughts, "Huh.... Ah, you suspected though that he was... "

Riley nodded, "We all did actually.. I think deep down, we all instinctively knew, but we just didn't want to accept it. He was considered the strongest among us, after all."

Red sat near the crystal walls pulling Ash close to him who snuggled in his arms, "War has always been cruel. There are no victories in war only death."

Green smiled sadly taking Gary on his lap, the young boy not protesting at being picked up, "The quote from the late Lightning Type Master and Champion."

Ash looked at the entrance, "Do you think he'll be okay?"

Gary, "Yeah, this must have been a shock. It was for us.", he mumbled the last part earning a comforting squeeze from Green.

Riley, "Don't worry children. The Lucario line is a strong one not just physical and aura wise but also mental and emotional wise. It'll take time, I'll be honest but I truly believe he will be alright."

The two quiet down and snuggled into their older brothers' embrace surrounded by the Pokemon. Litten sat by Gary, chatting with Fennekin and Kadavra, while Eevee sat on Gary's lap basking in his warmth. The same for Pikachu and Charmander, the electric mouse was on Ash's lap while Charmander sat by the two Ketchums talking softly with Snivy and Riolu.

Fennekin murmured, -Have to say kitten, your partner is going to attract a lot of trouble in the future.-

Kadavra nodded, -Yes and give our partners a heart attack in the process.-

Litten huffed, -It's not their fault they get taken.-

Eevee, -It could be worse.-

Snivy, -So, this is normal for you then?-

Pikachu, -Chaaaa right there Ash ~ Yes this is the normal for us.-

Charmander laughed quietly, -And to think, I didn't believe you before.-

Riolu hummed, -I have the feeling having the older sibling as my Master's apprentice is going to be very fascinating.-

Pikachu looked at the young aura Pokemon before turning to Eevee and the two Fire starters, -Welp! You will get used to it, don't worry.-

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