48. Seasons change

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine! The art is not mine either. Found it on Pinterest and the artist name was in Japanese. I can't read Japanese so if anyone can tell me the name in English I would be really grateful.
Begging you here!

Red sat the bottom of the Tree of Beginning watching the leaves fall from the trees. It was a very peaceful and beautiful sight, he enjoyed these peaceful moments with his Pokemon who were playing in the leaf pile. His Pokemon were doing well in their training, Pikachu had mastered electric terrain, Charmeleon had mastered Dragon rage and was close to evolving, Serperior was the first one to reach his final evolution and the new edition to the group, his own Riolu that they had found as an egg when they caught some poachers snooping around Rota.

Red frowned, 'That was a major mess!'

Riley had been furious when he realized who the egg belonged to and just like he had feared, the poor Riolu's parents had been killed by the poacher. Red was angry, Riley was furious, but the Queen had looked terrifying when she learned what had happened. Ilene did not forgive the two poachers and sentenced them to life time imprisonment.

Riolu ran up to him, -Pappy look, look! It's one of those pretty stones you keep in your collection.-

Red smiled as he looked at the stone Riolu held out, "That's a dawn stone, Riri. Good job finding one. Do you want to add it to your collection?"

Red took out a box as Riri nodded her head vigorously. She had picked up his habit of collecting items after observing him. Red smiled softly as he took out the box that was divided into three compartments. The top part had items like bells, shells and miscellaneous stuff, the middle part had scales, fur and claws etc that Pokemon shed and the last one, the bottom contained stones that Riri had found over time. Riri put the dawn stone next to the water stone which was next to the leaf stone. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at her collection, it was growing slowly.

Riley smiled at the young Aura Pokemon, 'Red makes a good parent, I can see why Green loves him. If he was not taken already.......... '

Riley facepalmed himself getting a weirded look from his Lucario, 'What am I thinking? I guess this means I need to find a lover. My junior has one, so why don't I?'

Riley remembers when he started noticing other boys and girls in a romantic manner. It was during the birthday dinner for Red a few months ago followed by Ash's birthday the next month. Mrs Ketchum had insisted they have it together and even Green and Sabrina had been there. For the first time he had noticed how good the Red and Green actually looked together next to each other. He had also noticed the small but true smile Sabrina had when she watched over her student and his chosen lover. Riley also remembers thinking the sixteen year old Gym Leader had looked really beautiful with that smile.

Riley sighed, 'Well, at least one person I noticed that way is the same age as me. Even Leaf Oak looked quite lovely in her peach blossom patterned dress standing next to her handsome boyfriend Bill. And young Ash and Gary are simply just adorable.'

Riley halted his thoughts and hit his head against the tree he was leaning on getting a sweatdrop from Red who was looking at him in concern. Riri shrugged her shoulders in confusion as she watched her Pappy's teacher mumble something to himself. Her Pappy had put her box inside already as he sat back to relax. They were taking a break for a day from their intense training. Milotic and Houndoom were watching their partner amused, they knew Riley had started to notice the people around him as a potential mate.

Houndoom, -Should we help him?-

Milotic trilled amused at her brother, -Let him pick one first then we will help him.-

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