38. Found you

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine. This pic is a screenshot from the movie Lucario and the mystery of Mew.

The group moved on from the geyser field and went through the cliff like area that seems to be scattered around like a giant maze. Riley was very impressed by Lucario's sensor abilities and made a promise to learn how to do so and reach the same level. He knows his partner Riolu is very impressed as well, if his starry eyed gaze at Lucario is something to go by. The fog had cleared an hour ago allowing them to see the world around them.

Red looked up and whistled, "That's pretty high up."

Green nodded, "Yeah! It is. Wonder what those two are doing up there."

Riley moved forward, "Only one way to find out."

They were walking towards what looked like an opening on the side of the mountain when out of nowhere they were attacked. Lucario intercepted the attack using his aura sphere and looked at the culprit who attacked them. He grunted annoyed at himself for forgetting about the notorious Guardians the Tree of Beginning had. The Regirock observed them from a distance as he contemplated whether or not he should let them go. Lucario took the chance to distract it using another aura sphere and rushed the group inside.

Red panted, "What... What was that?"

Lucario grumbled, -That was Regirock.-

Green's eyes sparkled after he got his breath back, "One of the Legendary? Cool!"

Riley laughed, "Well, things around here just got interesting."

Lucario looked up, -He was giving us a warning.-

Red looked contemplative, "Because we are strangers entering his territory right? But, he let us go, anyway."

Lucario looked around little confused as well, like he found an interesting puzzle. He hummed a little before moving to one of the crystals that was part of the massive ecosystem and focused his aura. He searched for an answer as the three humans and the Pokemon waited for him. Lucario became really fascinated by what he found, he could feel the younger children's presence through the tree, almost as if they were part of it.

Lucario stood back up, -Curious, I didn't see this coming.-

Riley, "What's curious Lucario?"

Lucario observed the Aura Guardian, -Have you learned to read personal auras?-

Riley looked confused but nodded, "It was one of my first lessons."

Lucario motioned to the crystal, -Feel with your aura. You will understand why.-

Riley looked curious now and stepped forward to the crystal and spread his aura before prodding the crystal with it. The answering prod made him gasp and look at it in wonder.

Riley's eyes widened, "How is this... ? They are... This might be more complicated than I thought."

Green poked the frozen teen, "Well?"

Red was waiting, "What is it?"

Riley's head snapped towards the two boys, "You two are telling me everything about your younger siblings. And by everything I mean everything.", he said seriously.

Red and Green looked at each other before giving a sigh, they nodded their head in agreement before searching for a place they could sit safely without angering any other wild and territorial Pokemon. Red decided to give Riley a summary after promising to give a detailed account later on when they return to base. Riley accepted and the two boys started to give the Aura Guardian a summary about the abilities that Ash had developed first then later on Gary did as well. Riley had listened to their explanation quietly while Lucario listened wide eyed. The Pokemon who were not Pikachu, Eevee, Charmander and Litten also listened fascinated by the tale.

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