4. Death's Boon

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter inspired by the fanart above
Pokemon is not mine and the art is not mine.
This is an au please remember that.

It had been a year now since Ash woke up and a few months since he started meditating. He only felt a few wisps of magic in the beginning but since last month he started to feel his magic more and more. However he still couldn't summon his magic outside of his body. It was starting to annoy him now.

Ash grumbled quietly, 'A former wizard and knight unable to use magic. How embarrassing!'

He had tried to summon his magic for more than a month now but nothing happened. He could feel the magic inside him, but he couldn't use it and it made him pout a lot. His family would coo over him everytime he pouted. He was too busy sulking to notice however. Cypress would sometimes give him worried looks, before shaking his head as if he was being silly. Red on the other hand would spend a lot of time with him whenever his school didn't bog him down with extra homework. Delia was smiling a lot nowadays as if she knew a secret he didn't. Lucario as well for some reason took over most of the babysitting duty which miffed Chansey a little but took it in stride.

Ash shook his head, 'I'm over thinking this. I should start meditating soon or I'll be exhausted in the morning.'

Ash sat down and started to relax before sitting Indian style and closing his eyes. He started by calming and focusing on his breathing first then he focused on his pulse. It went on for a few minutes before he reached for his magic, entering his core. Ash opened his eyes and looked out at his core which was like a vast grassland with small trees spread all around. There was a mountain to his right and an ocean to his left. He had started to nurture his inner world 9 months ago and it had flourished with magic. Now if only he could figure out how to use his magic outside. As he was contemplating his little problem he heard a very familiar chuckle coming from behind him. Turning around he saw the very being that gave him a second chance at life.

Death rumbled, "Hello my little warrior."

Ash grinned, "Hello Death! This is a surprise."

Death was quite before speaking, "Indeed it is ~"

Ash pouted, "I thought you forgot about me."

Death flicked his forehead amused, "Now, now! How can I forget my first child? Don't whine, little one."

Ash giggled at the action and to think his youngest sibling is afraid of this gentle being. But he guessed, he didn't understand them himself before as well. That is till he fell painfully sick to the point he couldn't move. He remembered how gentle and comforting Death was with him and helped him to move on.

Ash sat comfortably next to the primordial being, 'Oh Ignotus! If you could see me now.'

Death, "How are you adjusting to your new life young one?"

Ash, "It's different than what I had expected, but I wouldn't change it. I love my family both the humans and Pokemon."

Death was pleased, "You are satisfied?"

Ash smiled getting closer to the being and hugging them, "Yes, thank you Death ~ For giving me this chance. I truly appreciate it. This world is beautiful and amazing."

Death ran his skeletal fingers through the dark hair as he hummed. Their child was happy and content, that's all they cared about. They sat together in companionable silence as they looked at the scenery.

Death, "I have a boon for you child."

Ash looked up, "Boon? Really? But you have given me a lot already. What else is there?"

Death chuckled, "You're having trouble accessing your magic, are you not?"

Ash pouted, "Don't remind me!"

Death, "It is why I have decided to give you a boon. It'll help you perform magic again. This is a world of energy, auras, psychics, healers, warriors and so on. Magic is not exactly practiced here."

Death chuckled as they observed his little ones face as it went all the way from confusion to flabbergasted. It was funny watching all these emotions humans had no matter the world or dimensions.

Ash protested, "But but but, I can feel my magic. It's right there. How can this world not have magic?"

Death, "You can feel it because you had it before and you know how to access it despite how limited the access is."

Ash frowned, "Limited... I see, so that's why I can't summon it then?"

Death nodded, "This is my boon to you. You'll be able to use your magic but there will be limits because of your body. It is too young at the moment. As you grow older and stronger, your magic will grow with you. You will not require a wand to perform your spells but you will require to train. I'll leave that up to you."

Ash brightened, "Really? Wait, what about potions, wards, charms and the other branches of magic?"

Death, "Potions are part of this world don't worry. You will notice they are different but I'm sure you can handle them. The other branches exist as well. You just have to figure out how to access them."

Ash smiled hugging the being, "Thank you, truly, Thank you!"

Death rumbled in content as they stayed with Ash till he fell asleep before leaving him to go to the ghost cities in this world. He watched as Lucario finally sensed something off and came rushing to the room Ash slept in. Ash's Dad who had felt or rather heard Lucario rushing to his son's room came inside quietly as well. Whatever had spooked his partner had worried him although he didn't see anything out of place.

Cypress spoke quietly, "I think, they are gone."

Lucario looked around suspiciously, -I think you are right. I'll sleep here for tonight just in case.-

Cypress frowned, "Are you alright Rio? You are pretty shaken."

Lucario, -I'll be fine. It could have been a false alarm.-

Cypress patted his partner's shoulder in comfort, "Alright, just try to get some sleep, okay."

Death was satisfied by what he saw, his little one's family was protective of him. They could leave the little one in this family's hands. One of the things they loved about this world was there were certain places where the departed gathered, making it easier for them to collect the souls.

Gengar, -Lord Death, this way please.-

Misdreavous, -They are ready to move on.-

Bannette, -Please take care of my trainer.-

The ghost type Pokemon at these places knew they existed as a corporeal being but never said anything to the living. They even helped them sometimes by making it easier for the dead to depart from the world of living. Death wondered how these creatures would react to a child marked by them. It'll be a very interesting event to watch.

(To be continued.....
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
So Death visited Ash and don't worry this won't be the only time they visit our favorite trainer.
Till next time my lovely readers!)

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