28. Runes

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(Hello everyone!
Pokemon is not mine! That lovely piece is from DIY bracelets.

Green looked at the bracelet made from wooden beads that Ash and Gary had pushed in front of him on the table. His eye twitched when he heard some of the thoughts the people around them were having. He took the bracelet and put it on his left wrist, it was a snug fit. Green looked at the three infront of him looking at him expectantly.

Ash nodded, "It fits."

Gary smiled, "Push a little bit of your psychic power into it big bro."

Green raised his eyebrow but did what Gary said. He focused some of his powers and ran it through the bracelet getting a slight glow that was unnoticeable in the bright afternoon sun, thankfully. Green immediately noticed the difference when it happened. The voices were now faint, they were still there but they were not as headache inducing as before. Green smiled in relief, thankful that it helped a bit.

Green, "The loud thoughts are muted now. They are still there but not as distracting as before."

Ash smiled making some of the girls coo, "I'm happy we could help."

Red looked at the bracelet curiously, "How long have you two been working on this?"

Gary rubbed his neck, "Ever since we noticed you were growing stronger fast and big brother here looked like he was getting migraines, like he had heard something stupid."

Green laughed, "Trust me! You don't want to know what sort of idiocy people think in their minds."

Ash sweatdropped, "That bad?"

Green nodded and lowered his invisible shield that neither Ash nor Gary had noticed, "Afraid so! Well now, that we are here how about we get something to eat?"

Red smirked at the awed faces their younger siblings made, "You get the food, I'll get the drinks. You two stay here. You are explaining how you made that and those interesting words and symbols."

Ash nodded, "Fine by me ~ But you are telling us your adventures in Rota, deal?"

Green laughed, "Sure!"

As the shield was taken down, the Pokemon noticed some of the looks that their table was getting. Pikachu and Eevee got on the table while Litten made himself comfortable by the front of the table to keep an eye on people and Charmander sat on the other side facing the people walking to and fro. There were more people around than they were comfortable with but the four Pokemon understood, once they start their journey, they will no doubt end up in places with a lot of people, so it was best to learn to adjust.

Gary looked at Ash in wonder, "I can't believe it actually worked."

Ash looked at Gary, "Right?" 

Gary continued grinning, "When you found that chest filled with books in the cave with those strange words and writings last year. I honestly thought it was just another dead language. Who knew, we would luck out on finding a treasure worth more instead!"

Ash nodded sweat dropping again, 'I only found it because Death visited me again last year in the evening, while I was alone in my room giving Lucario who sensed something wrong an almost heart attack again. Which freaked Pikachu out in return. Death must have a thing for teasing my Pokemon till they freak out. Too bad, I can't tell them about Death, that is their choice, if they want to be known in this world. I can almost imagine there being an organization crazy enough in this world trying to control Death. Yeah! Best not to say a thing.'

Ash could feel Death's amusement and exasperation which made him conclude his thoughts were right, "It was a long shot though, I was not even sure it would work. I'm glad it did."

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