43. Lance's Family

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Pokemon is not mine. The art is from bulbapedia.com. I just screenshot it.

Lance could honestly say, being a Champion was a chore. A really hard chore that would break anyone who was not mentally strong. Everyone's eyes were on you from fans to rivals to enemies to leaders to unknown. He didn't mind of course, being born in the infamous blackthorn city to one of the most powerful clans that boasted of being Dragon type Master had desensitized him to being in the public eye all the time. Despite that sometimes he wonders, if he could go back in time, would he do things differently.

Lance looked at his Dragonite, 'Some things maybe... Others never.'

He rubbed Dratini's head as the young Dragon watched the older ones train together. She was still too young to join the training. But she enjoyed watching and observing the fights and mock battles. Dratini's eyes sparkled as she watched the powerful attacks, defense, movements and techniques. She was one of the few that were born to the group of Dragonites that belonged to Lance's late father. They were a very powerful pack and demanded respect from everyone and treated Lance as one of their own dragonlings.

Lance sobered remembering his late father, 'Father, I barely remember you but I wish you were here. I have so many questions about the abilities and gifts that our family has. Abilities that came to light a few years ago.'

Lance's quiet disposition was noticed by one of the older Dragonite that nudged him, -Are you alright cub?-

Lance gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm alright Mother Dragonite. Just a lot of things in my mind, that's all."

Mother Dragonite hummed accepting that answer for now, -You know a lot of the elder dragons are interested in meeting your young friends.-

Lance, "Young friends? Ah! You mean Ash and Gary? I suppose I could see why."

Mother Dragonite nodded, -Indeed, none of us even knew your inner core had been messed with at all. We all thought the trauma of losing your parents had made you block out most of your abilities on instinct.-

Lance, "I see."

Mother Dragonite's expression hardened, -Then, it turn out to be something else.-

Lance looked pensive at being reminded, "I'm still baffled by it, honestly speaking. I never thought there would be someone capable of doing something like that."

Mother Dragonite rumbled, -You should have seen your Father Dragonite. He was furious and ready to hunt down whoever it was that did that to you. I don't think I have seen him rage so much since your Father was hurt in his younger days. This new enemy of ours better watch their back, we don't take threats to our own lightly.-

Lance's eyes softened, "I know. I could hear his angry bellows from the training grounds."

Lance thought back to the two kids who were the reason why and smiled a bit, "Perhaps I will invite them here at some point soon."

Mother Dragonite accepted that, -See that you do. We are all quite curious about the two cubs. I heard Lord Mew even adopted them into their clan.-

Dratini squealed happily when she saw her eldest brother who was now a Dragonite win the match. Lance called for a break as Dratini flew towards her brother to congratulate him on the win. Lance walked over to the training ground and healed their injuries before instructing them to get lunch and take some rest. The two Dragonites and one Dratini purred thanking him before flying off to the mess hall. He watched them go before heading to his office, he can honestly say that the paperwork is alive and grows. Lance then remembered what the older siblings went through and rubbed his head. Red and Green, they were apprentices, not yet trainers and still they were involved in a skirmish with Team Rocket. He didn't know whether to be thankful or not that they decided to become apprentices before becoming trainers. He was relieved they had support in the form of their families and tutors.

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