6. Adventure in the Forest

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter inspired by an art from deviant art I believe. I don't know the artist name so if anyone recognize this art and can inform me I would appreciate it.
Pokemon doesn't belong to me!

Lucario led Gary and Ash through the dense forest. Ash looked around with excitement while Gary looked around with trepidation. Lucario led them to a clearing that had a clear spring running through it and decided to use it as a rest point before turning to the two boys.

Lucario, -Cub, this place is a good enough spot for us to rest and have lunch together.-

Ash beamed, "Yeah! I agree!"

Gary looked confused, "Huh? Agree to what Ash?"

Ash turned to Gary, "Uncle Lucario says we can use this place to have lunch and relax."

Gary looked at Ash wide eyed, "You understood him? That's so cool and yeah, it is a pretty neat place."

Ash, "Lucario says thanks for the compliment."

Gary walked near the stream, "The clearing is pretty wide and the water is very clear. Ah! I think I see a Magikarp."

Ash came nearer to where Gary was standing, "Really? Where?"

Gary pointed to a reddish blob in the water that had fins, "There, you see it."

Ash grinned, "Yeah I do. You have a sharp eye Gary."

Gary blushed, "Thanks Ashy ~ Look a Goldeen."

Lucario who was clearing up some space to lay the blanket along with their bags and basket smiled at the two young cubs. They got along really well with each other and never created trouble for him. He was probably being biased, but it's what he experienced and observed. Lucario gave a gentle smile watching them getting excited over water Pokemon that were in the stream.

Ash gasped, "Ah! I almost forgot.... I brought a camera. One sec Gary. Let me grab my camera. We can take pictures together."

Gary smiled, "Okay. Hey Ash, can we take pictures of Pokemon too? That would be really cool."

Ash grinned, "Sure we can but it might not be good quality ones."

Gary waved it off, "It's just for us, right? It'll be fine then."

Ash nodded at that and took out the camera while Lucario leaned back against the bark of a tree and relaxed. Ash thought Lucario looked cool and decided to take a picture. Lucario didn't mind and felt really amused by it.

Gary grinned, "I want a copy of every photo Ash. Also next time, I'm buying us film rolls."

Ash, "Sure, no problem. You want to come with us next time?"

Gary blushed, "Yeah! This is kinda fun you know? Like gramps and sis are always going on about how dangerous the forest is... They aren't wrong but getting to come here, it's actually pretty cool."

Ash looked at Lucario with shining eyes, "Can we? Please!!!!"

Lucario snorted in amusement, -I don't see why not. Provided it doesn't disturb your studies, that will start soon.-

Ash blinked, "Oh yeah.. We'll be starting school soon. Don't worry Uncle Luc, we'll not let the visits disturb our studies."

Gary meanwhile groaned, he realized this meant he would have to work hard or they would never be allowed to go out. Lucario simply nodded his head in agreement and closed his eyes letting his aura spread instead to keep an eye on the two. Ash who felt Lucario's aura against him nudged him back with his magic. Lucario nudged back feeling pleased making Ash smile.

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