51. Family comes First

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter inspired by the art above. It is made by LLY originalshipper in Tumblr. I think they changed their name now. Let me know if they did yeah?
Pokemon is not mine. Harry Potter and the tale of three brothers are not mine.

Alain was smiling and laughing, after two years of fear, depression and anxiety, he was finally happy. Augustine was relieved, he was starting to worry his adopted son would never recover after what happened. Even Mairin had picked up on her cousin's happy mood and was acting more like a five year old should. As a regional Professor, he had a lot of responsibilities to attend to and it made him feel like he was neglecting his children.

Augustine thought to himself as he worked, 'Disrupting therapy may or may not make it worse, the book said. However I'm glad I took this gamble.'

He looked outside where his kids were helping the Oak and Ketchum kids take care of the Pokemon. Mairin had found other girls to be friends with and Alain had also found others his age to befriend. He smiled watching them laugh and play with the Pokemon in the ranch. Alain's Charmander and Beldum seemed to have been taken in by the idea of becoming the strongest Charmander and Beldum in the world and had taken to wearing an Everstone as a collar around their neck. They would train with the other Pokemon who had Everstone as well as Red's Charmeleon. It was very fascinating learning about the difference in interest that they had, he had expected Charmeleon to be interested in raising his strength but instead the fire lizard was interested in becoming the fastest Charizard in the world and actually had weights that he used to train with. According to Samuel's Alakazam, Charmeleon's goal was to be able to carry weights and his trainer around the world and become the fastest flying/fire type Pokemon.

Samuel, "Pokepenny for your thoughts!"

Augustine, "Ah! Oh, I was just thinking how different the goals of Pokemon are despite belonging to the same type and evolution line."

Samuel nodded understanding, "Yes, it is quite fascinating isn't it? You know when Red first got Charmander, I thought the little Charmander would also be interested in increasing his strength like Ash's one but no instead the little guy is interested in speed. Do you know what he told Alakazam when I asked why?"

Augustine looked curious, "He actually had a goal from the start, didn't he?"

Sam nodded, "He said, 'attacks are not effective if you can't hit your target and if you are fast enough to avoid the attack, then speed can become your greatest defense.'...... I was pretty surprised too."

Augustine gaped before closing his mouth, "Smart little guy, but speed isn't everything."

Sam shook his head, "No it is not. So he takes endurance and perseverance training seriously and hopes to evolve soon that way he can learn to fly fast and run fast as well."

Augustine hummed, "I see, I need to return to Kalos soon. The new trainer hopefuls will be determined by the end of this month. But.. "

Sam followed the man's line of sight, "But you are reluctant to leave them."

Augustine gave a sheepish laugh, "I have not seen them so happy for so long. Call me selfish but I don't want to take this away from them."

Sam shook his head, "You are not being selfish, you are being a good father. You are allowed to put your kids happiness before you. Like my Charizard always like to say, 'Pack comes First' or 'Family Comes First'. I am inclined to agree with him."

Augustine was deep in thought, "Sam, would it be pushing it if I asked you to take them in as apprentices?"

Sam looked at his colleague, "What do you have in mind?"

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