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I get to rosies and walk in taking a seat at a booth I sit there for a while until someone sits down in front of my I look up and meet his eyes "hi" I say fiddling with the menu in my hands

"hey" Zach says "what did you want to talk about?" I ask he looked around his smile leaving his face "umm are you okay?" He asked I laugh "I'm great why?" I ask him

"well you're drunk and high and not speaking to me" he said "yeah I'm pissed at you" I say casually shrugging my shoulders "why?" He asked

"Bec-!" I start to yell but look around at all the people staring at us "look let's go somewhere else so I can actually tell you why I'm pissed the fuck off" I say getting out of the both him quickly following me I walk out go the dinner and back to my house

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"Where we going" Zach asked I turn and walk up the concrete steps to my front door "to my house" I say walking in letting him in as long as me and Zach have been dating he's never actually met or seen Seth or my mom

I look over at Justin and Mom who are sitting on the couch "kensley who's this?" Mom asked standing up "mom this is Zach my boyfriend Zach this Is Amber my mom" I say looking over to Justin "h-hi" Zach said shaking My moms hand "hello Zach" she said

"okay" I say as I grab Zach's hand and walk to my room pulling him in and shutting the door "okay why are you so mad?" He asked "why didn't you tell me?" I ask "we weren't together I didn't think it mattered" he said getting defensive

"of course it mattered you lost your virginity to my ex best friend who I broke things off for just to date you!" I yell at him "I didn't ask you to break things off with her" he shouted back

"no but you made fun of her with all your jock friends all the time I got tired of defending her ass so why the hell would you have sex with her" I yell pacing back in forth as Zach sits on my bed "I don't know" he shouted standing up walking towards me

I stood there and crossed my arms "you lied to me you told me I was your first time" I yell throwing my arms up In the air "you lied to me too you said I was your first but no you were fucking Jeff" he yelled

"oh do not bring his name into this" I say laughing my hands resting on my forehead walking away towards my alcohol taking a drink

"why can't I are you still in love with him? I should of know something was up with you two" he yelled rubbing his face "what the fuck is wrong with you Zach me and Jeff were nothing but friends we fucked before I even liked you Zach you broke up with me to fuck Hannah that's the difference" I yell

*justin pov*

I look over at my mom shaking my head "I only had sex with her so I could be ready to do it with you" my best friend screamed "should I go say something?" Mom asked I look over at her and shake my head

"no just let them fight it out" Justin said "you had sex with her more than once that wasn't the only reason I'm not an idiot" my twin yells I lay my head back sighing this is gonna be a long night

*kensley pov*

"Okay I fucked Hannah a while ago it doesn't matter anymore she's dead we're over I'm with you why are you so worried about this" he yelled I stand there thinking for a moment

"plus you're not perfect either I know there is something you've been hiding from me ever since the tapes" he yelled tears come to my eyes I look away from him

"just stop talking" I yell "no tell me what the hell you've been hiding" he yelled again taking step closer to me

"I can't" I stutter out "tell me kensley did you cheat?" he shouted i began to panic as he continued his yelling i couldn't breathe tests fell from my eyes he took notice and stopped

my breath becomes heavier"kens" his voice is soft he goes to hug me I push him off me "n-no you need to go" I say struggling wrapping my arms around myself

"no" he said "Zach I- I please just go" I say looking down feeling disgusted remembering it all

suddenly my door opened and my mom and Justin were standing at the door "are you okay?" Justin ask me i shake my head everyone starring at me "can everyone just leave me alone" i sob Zach steps forward "im not leaving you" he said going to grab me i back up into justin "no just go i don't want to talk right now" i say "come on Zach just listen to her" Justin said Zach scoffs and storms out i look at my mom wanting her to leave too

Justin looks at me and goes to leave "no" i say he looks at me i quickly wrap my arms around him he holds me tight until i calm down he leads me to my bed "do you want to talk about it? if not i understand" he said i stare at the ground thinking i look up at Justin "Bryce he um" i started beginning to cry again i could see the look on Justin face change as he knew what happened before i even said it

"Bryce what kens?" he asked tears forming in his eyes "Bryce raped me... twice" my voice was trembling this was harder than telling Jessica "Kensley" Justin said as he was now crying "Once was at the club house a while ago then a few month ago i went to his house to get high and he would stop" i say looking away from him my skin crawling

"i'm so sorry" Justin said i know he felt awful that he couldn't be there to protect me but he can't be there for me all the time "i'm sorry you couldn't tell me sooner" he said softly i shake my head "i wasn't ready i haven't even told Zach" i say running my hands through my hair "don't tell him if you're not ready he will understand" he said i nod

we both fall quiet thinking about what happened sharing the alcohol bottle Justin sighed and stood up going to leave my room "wait" I say standing up I looking at Justin he turns back to me

"c-can you stay?" I ask nervously like a little kid he nods and we both walk to his room and get his mattress and put it in my room and soon we both pass out

Word count:1028

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