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The car was silent all you could hear was the radio chipping in and chipping out due to the horrible connection I look at Jess and start saying my thought out loud

"maybe I should go to the police about Bryce you know the there would be two victims which would make Bryce in even bigger shit and maybe he will go to prison" I say she looked over at me like I'm crazy

"no Kensley if you go to the police we will just have an even bigger problem" she said I nod

"right yeah uh let's go to her work first and make our way to my house" I say and she pulls into the grocery store parking lot and we quickly jump out

"Excuse me have you seen amber?" I ask one of her coworkers she shakes her head "sorry darling she hasn't been here for weeks" she said I nod and look at Jessica as we make our way back to the car

we literally searched everywhere we went to all the houses which mind you is extremely dangerous here we could have died we also went to the local park and her drug spots and nothing there was only one last place to check which was my home

I let out a sigh looking over at the house I get out of the car and walk up the concrete steps I bang on the door only for no one to answer I look over at Jessica

"shit" I say she nods I quickly get back Into the car along with Jessica "this is so fucking stupid" I say shaking my head and resting it on the door

"it's okay Kensley he will get out soon Mrs.Jensen will make sure of it" jess spoke I nod but what if she doesn't what if we need my mom to get him out and he will just be stuck in there until we turn eighteen

"okay" I say looking out the window as we pass all the houses

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"One act does not define a life" the priest said as I sat in a long booth next too Zach at the church for Hannah's service

"we celebrate the richness of her life even as the tragic circumstances of her death cannot be forgotten" he spoke I look up at Zach blindly away a couple tear as he held my hand in his squeezing it lightly

"it does my heart good to see so many of Hannah's friends here today Hannah had the biggest heart which she so generously shared with all of us so please be kind to each other" he spoke stepping down from the stand as Mrs.Baker stands up

"she dreamed of going to New York to become a writer I'm not sure when that dream of her began to feel impossible to her Hannah was my dream and now I get to dream for Hannah as well as for myself and so do all of you so please dream your dreams and dream them for Hannah and don't let anyone else take them from you don't ever let them go" she spoke

I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking about her words thinking about what Hannah would say right now she would probably laugh and make a joke about it to get everybody to smile I miss her I miss my bubbly best friend

"Hannah Baker came into my life at the end of one summer like a star that fell to earth like nothing I had seen like no one I had ever met she was funny and smart and moody and and maddening and beautiful" Clay spoke his voice shaking a little bit from sadness and nerves

"and...I loved her I loved her so much and I ask her every day why she did what she did but I get no answers she took those with her when she went leaving me-all off us angry empty confused and I know that hurt won't ever go away but they're will come a day when I don't feel it every minute and the anger won't be so hot and the other feelings will fade and I'll be left with only love a good friend once said to me 'I can love you and still let you go'" He spoke slowly and quietly

a tear rolled down my face at his word "so Hannah I love you and I let you go I'm gonna miss you and I hope that wherever you go next you feel peace and you feel safe in a way that you never did here wherever you go next I hope you know that I love you" Clay said I could tell he was about to cry I wanted nothing more than to run up and hug him

I walked out of the church with Zach as the bells were ringing I spot Mr and Mrs Baker I let go of Zach's arm and over to the two

"I'm really sorry" I say as I stood in front of them I looked up at them nervous at what they had to say to me but they didn't say anything

Mrs.Baker just pulled me into a hug and Andy joined us I wrapped my arms around the two we pulled away and Olivia placed a hand on my cheek she had tears in her eyes

"Kensley Hannah loved you very much never forget that" she spoke I nod as she put her hand down

I slowly walked alway from them and back to Zach who was talk to Alex I linked my arm into his as he looked down at me "you okay?" He asked I nod

"uh we're meeting up at Monets if you want to come" Alex said looking at me I nod

"that sounds nice" I say as more of a whisper nodding my head leaning my head up against Zach's arm my sleep deprivation finally getting to me

Word count: 1004

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