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i stood around the cafeteria at the future fair they had to change it from the college fair to future fair because not all kids go college i think it's dumb i crossed my arms looking around at all these bozos none of the actually are gonna have a successful future this planet is doomed i saw Zach walking over to me i smile at him "hi babe" he said as he pulled me into a hug "hi Zachy" i said we started walking around together Zach walked up to a booth about the army

"we'll have you thought about the service academies? it's a great four year education" they asked him "nah just enlisting" he said "look i think any of the services would be lucky to have you as n officer after you graduate college but just enlisting after you finish high school is a waste of your gifts" the man told him "that's a good point i don't know we'll see" he said dragging me away from the booth

"i thought the whole point of this was finding what you want to do with you life" Zach said "since when do you want to join the military?" i asked him he shrugged "i've been thinking about it for some time might be good" he said "what about being a marine biologist?" i asked he shrugged and kept walking

i was sitting at lunch with Zach and Justin i look over to all the football players surrounding a girl "what the fuck" i say the boys looking too "that's monty's sister" Zach said i watched as they had her a jersey she looked so uncomfortable

"monty had a sister?" Justin said "yeah her names Estella i think" Zach said i saw clay storm over "fucking take those jerseys off you're honoring a fucking rapist" he said "oh my god" i said "fuck you Jensen he took the fall for you man no way did he kill Bryce everyone knows that " Diego a football player said getting in Clays face "guys" i said the turn around again "bullshit" Clay says

"you're the real criminal" Luke told him clay looked him up and down before throwing a hard punch at his face "what the fuck are you doing?" Diego said throwing clay into a table justin and zach stood up quickly making there way over as Diego was on top of Clay repeatedly punching him over and over a police came over and tried to grab Diego off but he elbowed him and made him fall to the ground Diego got in one last hit before he passed out that's when the cop got him off "what the fuck just happened" i said looking at the boys

School was out and i was walking out with Zach and Alex "is it true he took on like a dozen guys?" Alex asked "he was just pissed off" Zach replied grabbing ahold of my hand "he must of been mental" Alex spoke "yeah well we're all dealing with our own shit" Zach said "are you dealing with it cause you seem like not the slightest bit bothered by anything" Alex said i agreed Zach has definitely been weird recently since i got back

"well isn't that how we're supposed to be acting normal?" Zach said pulling out his car keys unlocking his car and opening up my door "you said we should be the kid of friends that tell each other stuff" Alex said "Well there's nothing to tell ya look it's either bullshit from the football team or somebody might actually know something either way we can't do anything about it right? so what does it matter?" he said going to his door

"it matters to me and ken's" Zach nodded and got in the car i followed him i gave Alex a sad smile i know how he was feeling terrified at any minute someone could crack i could go to jail for life Zach opened his backseat door "let's go" Zach said talking to Alex "do something" he said as he started his car he quickly got in the car and Zach sped off

Zach pulled up to my house to drop me off i leaned over a kissed him softly tasting the alcohol on his lips i gave him a look i could tell he knew what i meant i got out of the car and slightly slammed it shut walking into my house "you expect me to believe you got that form an accident in gym class?" i hear Matt say as i make my way to the kitchen they were all sitting and eating dinner

"i have really bad hand eye coordination you know this" Clay said poking at his food i lean up against the wall listening to the conversation "justin were you present for this sport related injury?" Lani asked him the boys shared a look "he got in a fight" Justin said i was shocked he didn't cover up for clay "dude?" Clay said "who did you get in a fight with?" Lani asked him "no one" Clay said to them

"a few guys on the football team" Justin kept going clay dropped him spoon and looked at him "why?" Matt asked "it was nothing stupid i don't need anything" Clay rambled out "really nothing?" Justin said clay sighed "since when do you start the fight?" he asked Clay he dropped his spoon and walked away walking past me

"and where have you been?" Lani asked me "sorry i was out with Zach and Alex" i say shrugging "a text or call would be nice" Matt said "i'm sorry sometimes i just forget" I say to them looking over at Justin and stealing some food off his plate I made my way up to my room changing into shorts and a crew neck and getting ready for bed

i was brushing my hair when i here some light taps on my window i look over and see Zach i quickly open it and he crawls in "what are you doling here?" i asked him "i'm sorry i just needed to talk to you" he said i sit on my bed he sat beside me

"after me and Alex dropped you off i took him to this building and we went to the top i was trying to help him relax and forget about everything so we were walking on the edge and he almost jumped off so i grabbed him and then he kissed me" Zach said really fast i stared at him blankly baffled

"i told him i was into that tho and i had a girlfriend he felt really bad" Zach said i started hysterically laughed and fell backwards on my bed "what?" Zach said i kept laughing trying to catch my breath "i'm sorry i can't you kissed a boy tonight" i said laughing at him "and you thought i would be mad?" i said again whiling the tears out of my eyes

"Zach baby it's okay if you wanna be with Alex it's okay" i said he grabbed a pillow and smacked me with it getting on top of me and tickling me "no no stop it" i say laughing even more wiggling and trying to break free he got up and my bedroom door swung open and justin walked in

"oh um hi Zach" he said looking back at me "i cannot sleep with Clay can i stay in here" he said to me "why?" i asked "he keeps screaming and shit im his sleep i can't do it" he said "like nightmares?" i asked he nodded "oh yeah you can sleep in here" i told him he thanked me and started getting my couch ready to sleep in i gave Zach a change of clothes he left here he changed and we got in bed together i cuddled up close to him and we all fell asleep


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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