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Yeah everything okay?
Yeah I'm good are you busy right now?
No wanna smoke?
Can we just hang out actually?
Sure meet me at the park
Be there in 10

I set my phone down looking at myself in the mirror I quickly pull my hair out of my bun and attempt to make it look nice with my brush

i quickly change out of my hoodie and into a lose oversized sweater once I'm finish I quickly open my window sneaking out quietly making my way to the park

When I got there I saw a figure sitting in the grass I noticed it was Monty as I got closer I took a seat next to him he looked over and smiled at me I returned it "hey" he said "hey" I reply it was quite for a second we were both looking up at the stars

"do you remember that day when I was completely fucked out of my mind and I asked you why you let me get raped?" I ask looking over at him I could tell it was a hard subject even for him as he facial expression dropped as he looked at me

"yeah what about it?" He asked i hesitated at first "um I'm sorry I asked that I would blame the alcohol and drugs but even then it was a completely shitty thing to ask" I say he nods

"it's okay I deserved it" he said I look away from him feeling bad the quietness took over again it wasn't awkward though it was comforting

"I didn't let him do it" I hear him whisper I look over at Monty confused "what?" I ask

"Bryce I tried stopping him I promise you I did but the other guys held me back and I tried to fight them off and I'm so sorry kens" he said I saw a tear fall out of his eye my heart broke even more

"no Monty don't be sorry you tried that's what matters" I say turning my body to him "I'm so sorry I couldn't do it I'm sorry" he cried out my heart broke

i quickly pulled him into me as he cried into my chest holding onto me tight tears began falling out of my eyes as well "it's okay I promise I'm not mad you tried I believe you" I say to him

he pulled away from me the sight of him hurt to look at he was so broken over this "and then I tried to tell Jeff what happened but I couldn't do it" he said I nod

"it's okay I'm sorry i was always so angry at all of you for never stepping up" I say he shakes his head "I understand I would be pissed too" he said I nod

I bring my hands to his face wiping his tears away with my thumbs he leaned into my hand wanting as much as affection as he could get he lifts his arm up a placed them on my wrist holding my hands there i quickly yank my arm away then break eye contact with him

"you okay?" He asked i nod "what was that about?" He asked again I shake my head "nothing" I say quietly he glanced down at my wrist as I was pulling my sleeve down even more

he grabbed my hand moving it away from my arm he put on hand in my hand the other one on my sleeve before he didn't anything he looked up at me I tried blinking away my tears but it didn't work as one fell down

he looked back down slowly rolling my sleeve up he stopped at my elbow his eyes widened as he looked down at the many cuts on my wrist

"kens" he said I went to pull my arm away but he grabbed it still looking at them he looked up at me "why would you do this to yourself?" He asked the tears coming back to his eyes

"I just wanted to feel something again" I say as I broke down crying "I'm sorry" I whisper out he shakes his head "no don't be sorry it'll be okay please don't do this to your self" he said I nod

"promise?" He asked I nod "promise" I say

he nods rolling down my sleeve we both stood up "see you tomorrow" he said I nod "see you" I say as he turned around and began walking away "Monty" I say he stopped as turned

"i love you" I said he smiled "I love you too Kensley" he said walking off

I turn away and walked in the direction of my house I'm starting to like Monty a little less but think of him as a brother a little more I hope he feels the same and I'm  not leading him on cause that's the last thing I need

Word count:835

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