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Me and Zach had to get up earlier today because he had that court thing today he was in the bathroom tying his tie I walk in my hair a mess in a hoodie and leggings I look at him and then at me in the mirror

"I like to think this is how our future will be" I say Zach looks at me confused "huh?" He ask I look over at him "I mean when we live together and have jobs you will be doing some type of business wearing ties and fancy shoes always looking your best while I still look like a junkie" I say crossing my arms and leaning again the door frame

"your not a junkie you're beautiful" he says I look at him in the mirror and raise my eyebrow at him he turns to my and grabs my waist having me turn to him "what? Your not kens you are so much more than what you wear or what you have or don't your family and your house and-" I kiss Zach to shut him up "okay I understand" I say he nods

"come on do you have a deposition?" He asked I shrug "I haven't been home so" I say Zach nods "my mom can ask" he says I nod "so I should probably change out of my junkie clothes just in case?" I ask he looks at me giving me a look

"shut up" he tells me I laugh I put on a Jean skirt and a nice shirt Zach is sitting on his bed as I'm doing my makeup and and curling my hair

about 45 minutes I walk out of his kinda sorta ours now bathroom almost all my stuff is in it I even have a drawer of just my clothes at his house I practically live here Zach looks at me and sits up "baby" he says smiling he grabs my belt loop on my skirt and pulls me into him he we start making out

I pull away and look at him "not so much of a junkie now huh?" I say sarcastically he looks at me "Kensley Grace Foley I swear if you say junkie one more time I will body slam you" Zach says "that's a new one" I say laughing he kissed my lips

we walked down stairs together "mom when we get there we need to figure out when kensleys deposition is" Zach said as she looks at him and nods "You look amazing" she said to Zach who just smiled

"thanks mom come on we're gonna be late" Zach said getting in the car I find out the mine is right after Zach's he goes in unfortunately they wouldn't let me in with him

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they come out Zach looked nervous "how did it go?" I ask "it was fine" he said I nod obviously knowing it wasn't fine "you got this baby" he says kissing me as I walk in

"good morning miss Foley" the bakers layer says to me "good morning" I say fidgeting with my hands "My name is Dennis Vasquez representing Andrew and Olivia Baker and this is a deposition I'll be asking you questions and you must answer them truthfully unless your attorney clearly instructs you otherwise do you understand?" Dennis ask "yes sir" I answered

"theres no judge present but this is a formal legal proceeding you are under the same legal obligation to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth do you understand?" He ask again "yes sir" I stutter

"okay please state your full name your age where you go to school and what grade you are in" he says "uh my name is Kensley Grace Foley I'm 17 I'm a Junior at Liberty High" I say "when did you and Hannah Baker first meet?" He ask "we met at a party Kat hosted at Hannah's house right before sophomore year started" i state "how well did you know Hannah?" He asked I swallowed the lump in my throat "Hannah was my best friend we were really close" I say "did you ever hear anyone say unkind things to Hannah?" He ask "yeah in the halls I said some things myself as well" I fidget with my hands nervous as hell

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I walk out to Zach's car and he's leaning against his hood I get in the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers seat "has Justin answered your text?" I ask he checks his phone "nope not since yesterday at 9:30 am" he says "okay" I say

We get to school and go to our classes me not being able to focus just wanting to know where my brother is

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School was out I walk into the Gym to see Zach throwing basketballs and making them I stand there holding my bag straps leaning against the bleachers watching him his phone goes off and I walk over and check it my mouth drops open "hey babe who is it?" He ask chasing after the ball "Alex" I say "he wants you to call him" I say Zach runs over and takes the phone from me and quickly calls I hear the phone ringing as he looks nervous

"hello?" I hear a voice say "hey is Alex around?" Zach asked "Zach Alex's shot himself in the head last night" I hear Mr.Standall say I look at Zach and he looks like he's about to cry

"he's in critical condition at mercy he's alive the bullet missed" I hear "okay thank you sir" Zach said they talked and then hung up he whipped his eyes

"zach" I say also whipping my tears away he turns and hugs me hiding his head in my shoulder "it's okay he's gonna be okay just give him time" I repeat my hand wrapped around his neck and one holding onto the back of his head Zach doesn't really cry in front of me that often I've seen him cry only a handful of times he pulls away

"I need to go home" Zach said whipping his eyes I nod he goes to walk away but I grab him "I love you" I say he kissed me "I love you too I'll text you I promise" he says taking off I sigh whipping my tears

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Cure I'm walking home to see if Justin's there I get to our front door and hesitated to open it at first but eventually give in "Justin are you here?" I ask taking my shoes off and dropping my bag I walk to living room and see Seth and mom there

"Justin left he's long gone princesses" he says standing up "he also took $1000 dollars from me next time I see his ass he's dead meat I'm gonna kill him" he starts yelling inching closer to me  I look at my mom who's ignoring it

"I'm gonna fucking blow his brains out" he keeps going until I'm backed up into a corner and he's in my face "it was me" I say quietly he looked at me dead in the eyes "what?" He sternly asked "I took the money not Justin" I say he quickly grabbed my neck and began squeezing

"you grew a pair since you've been gone" he said he grabbed my hair and punched me super hard "no please stop I'll do anything" I choke out as I cry out in pain he kept going till I could taste and see blood he punched me so hard I fell on the floor and he started kicking my stomach he picked me up by my arm and threw me up against the wall

my vision blurring he grabbed the collar of my shirt he held me up again the wall punching me some more he slams my head against the wall a couple times dropping my to the floor he stomps on my knee making me scream out in pain he keeps going

I'm surprised I haven't blacked out I kept yelling and crying out in pain blood everywhere on me he then grabbed me by my leg that he stomped on I yell out in pain he drags me to my room my head banging on the walls drops my leg making me yell even more as he walks out slamming my door I cry

I start coughing as blood comes out of my mouth "fuck" I yell I grab my phone to call Zach I didn't think he would answer and was right it went to voice mail "hey Baby it's Kens I just got home Justin's not here-" I cough more blood comes out "he stole $1000 from Seth and I just took the blow for it-" I start coughing some more

"I'm coughing up blood I think I'm gonna die" I say crying even more "I just wanted to call and say that I love you-" I throw up and lots of blood comes out "fuck" I say crying "bye baby" I say hanging up

I lay there crying texting Justin trying to get his attention i started closing my eyes wanting to just fall asleep I hear my front door open and then pass out

I was in and out of it opening my eyes to see Zach and then passing out again then seeing paramedics and the sheriff and a few other people I didn't recognize leaning over me then passing out from the pain I woke up to see me being rolled into an ambulance and pass out once again

Word count:1604

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