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I woke up with a huge hang over I groan as I rush to the bathroom and threw up I brush my teeth and look at my self I sigh and go back to my room poping another pill downing it with some alcohol I pull out my phone with a bunch of text messages

I soon realized that the tapes were leaked i had hundreds of text messages so good and some just awful I gasped fuck I got dressed downing the rest of my current bottle which was only a shot or two walking over to the alcohol cabinet grabbing another bottle and putting it in my bag
I made my way to school

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I got there I saw Clay and Justin walking down the hallway I quickly catch up to them "hey Justin" I say smiling at him he looked at me "god kenz what is up with you?" He asked I opened my bag and showed him the alcohol "seriously? Zach let you drink?" He asked I scoffed

"I haven't talked to him for like 3 days" I say "why not?" He asked as if on qué "kens can we talk" I hear Zach's voice from behind me I turn around along with Justin "no" I say going to walk off but Justin grabs my bag

"if you weren't with Zach where were you staying?" He asked "don't worry about it" I say defensively yanking my bag out of his hand nearly falling over "are you drunk and high again?" Clay asked as he caught me  I laughed and pointed a finger at him "yes" I say

"okay that's it" I hear Zach say before I'm lifted off the ground and carried to a room he sets me down I cross my arm waiting for him to speak

"I'm sorry I was fucked up last summer I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you can't be mad because I know damn well there things you aren't telling me" he said I looked down I nod

"I forgive you" I say going to walk off he grabs my wrist I flinch at first looking up at him scared but soon calming down "are we good?" He questioned I nod "yes" I say going to walk away again only to be pulled back again "will you come home?" He asked I look at him

"I have been going home" I say yanking my arm away and walk off

the whole day everyone was on edge I was called things like murder, drug addict, junkie and so many other things nothing really hurt me tho i was numb probably because of the pills and alcohol but that's besides the point I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow

i was sitting at lunch poking at my food not really in the mood to eat "how are you doing?" I look up and see Jessica and Alex standing there I shrug "fine?" I say in a questionable tone

"you and Zach?" Alex asked "we're fine" I say "I told Alex" Jess said my head snapped up at her "told Alex what?"I ask getting nervous as they both sit down "that you relapsed and you're doing drugs again" Alex said I nod "how do you know that?" I question

"you came to my house fucked up out of your mind you think I didn't notice" Jess said I nod "oh why would you tell someone?"  I say looking back down at my food "because I'm worried about you and I can't help you through this myself" Jess said "are you okay?" Alex asked I nod

"just peachy" I say just then I feel a liquid come down on my head my mouth opens wide as I quickly wipe my eyes looking up at who did it I see a jock he poured milk all over my head "you murder" he said as he threw the milk carton down and walked away

I looked back at Jessica and Alex I stood up and quickly walked out of the lunch room crying I went to the bathroom cleaning up a bit before walking straight out of school

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I got back home I then got in the shower crying who released the tapes? I quickly got out of the shower and dried off and changed I missed Being home

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I heard a knock at the door and quickly got scared thinking it's Seth I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead

I heard the door open and I walked over to mom and stood behind her trying to see who was at the door the figure walks closer to the light and that's when I see Justin

"hi mom" he said and then looked at me "and kens?" He said confused mom opened the door and let him in "is he-?" Justin started "he's not here" I told him he nodded "what are you doing here?" He asked me

"I can't stay with Zach anymore his mom doesn't like me and after what happened in court" I say shrugging "what are you doing here I thought you left?" My mom asked Justin

"I'm here to testify for court but where I was staying I left because I kept fucking up" he said tearing up a bit

Word count: 861

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