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I wait in the boys room knowing I can't go inside without Mrs.Jensen seeing my face I limp over to Justin bed hold my rib cage it hurt I laid down staying there for a while until the door opened and the boys walked in together

"kens?" Justin questioned "Justin Seth is back" I say sitting up wincing in pain "oh my god" Clay said

I take my hoodie off and stand in my bra and leggings looking at my bruise in the mirror it cover my entire right side it was a nasty purple green color I look at my face it was bruising around my eye and cheekbone

"are you okay?"Justin asked

"no I'm in a lot of pain I haven't felt this much pain in so long mentally and physically" I say Justin goes into the bathroom and comes back out with a pill he hands it to me and I grab a water and take it I didn't know what it was but I also really didn't care whatever works

"let me look" Justin said I turn towards him as he looked at my stomach and eye and the hand mark on my wrist "I'm gonna fucking kill him" Justin said running a hand through his hair

"it's okay I'm okay but he wants more money" I say to him he nods and sits on his bed and Clay sits on his "I broke up with Zach" I say

"yeah I know" Clay said "sorry about that I was so mad I damn fuck him bro" I say laughing "kens can I ask you something?" Clay asked "what?" I answer looking at my stomach in the mirror

"did you and Bryce hang out after the spring fling?" Clays asked my smile quickly faded and I look over at the boys "no of course not why?" I lie "you said you were gonna forgive him? Why would you do that" Clay asked

"Clay I said a lot of shit I didn't mean don't take it seriously" I laugh "hey you got any goodies?" I ask Justin he looked at me in shock

"are you okay?" He asked me I laugh of

"course why wouldn't I be first I was kissing my boyfriend and telling him I loved him and then I find out he's been fucking my rapist ex girlfriend and all he wants to talk about when I bring it up is my rapist and I can't help but blame my self maybe I'm not pretty enough so I dress up instead of wearing sweatshirt and sweatpants I wear jeans and nice shirt and do my makeup and hair all for him or you know maybe I'm not skinny enough so I stopped eating and I've done nothing but ran out the fucking treadmill every single day for 3 hours but nothing is working and people keep looking at me like I'm happy that Bryce is missing or I had something to do with it and then fucking Ani keeps digging at me and all my friends wanting to know what I'm like because I'm hard to read I don't want her to know me I don't what to let her I can't fucking trust her and then my psycho Moms boyfriend came to my fucking school and beat the shit out of me for money and used my only weakness against me and threatened my brother then I had to walk home with a bruised rib because my brothers who are supposed to be there for me are to busy fucking girls then pay any attention to the fact that I'm falling off the deep end and can't get out and maybe I just want fucking die and be with Jeff and Hannah and I just I can't do it anymore I wanna die" I say historically crying

I look at my self in the mirror disgusted at the sight I look over and see Justin Clay looking at each other

"I'm sorry" I say noticing there stares I look down at the ground I hear Justin walk over to me and slowly pull me into him

"please talk to me I don't care what I'm doing I will stop anything and make sure you are okay I can't lose you kens I will literally lose my other half and I promise I'm gonna take care of Seth and fuck Zach you have so much to offer your funny beautiful smart and so many more so many people love you Jeff wouldn't want you to go like that I'm so sorry I haven't been here you're right I need to step up and be more of a brother I let go since we moved here I'm so fucking sorry I love you kens I need you to promise me you'll never kill your self or hurt your self or anything I can't lose you too" justin spoke tears forming in his eyes

I nod "I promise" he hugged me tight and Clay joined the hugged "what are we gonna tell your mom?" I ask Clay "fight?" He questioned I nod

"can I sleep in here?" I ask Justin nods as we all pull away and lay down on the couch the have in there little room and lightly doze off

*3rd person POV*
Clay and Justin sat on their own beds and the look over at the sleeping girl thinking about what she said "do you think she meant it?" Justin asked looking up at Clay he sighed "I don't know but let's not take any chance" Clay said pulling his phone out "what are you doing?" Justin asked "making s new group chat without Kens

Clay added 8 people to group chat
Just got home and kensley went on a rant and she kept repeating how she wants to die
I'm 96% positive she meant it
Is she okay where is she now you didn't leave her alone right?
No she sleeping on the couch
Did she say why? Or how if she was going too?
Yeah she said why but I don't know if she would want us sharing and no she didn't say how she would do it
Everyone keep and eye on her make sure she doesn't do anything stupid
Shit this is all my fault.

The boys look up at each other "she was lying earlier when you asked about Bryce and she said she didn't
See him i don't know when but I know she lying" Justin said

"how do you know?" He asked "she fidgets when she lies she was fidgeting with her fingers" Justin said Clay nods

"noted" he said the boys stayed up for a couple hours before eventually laying down and go to sleep as well

Word count: 1116

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