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|| continues from last flash back||
"Hey" I wave too tony and Tyler as I see them walk up to us we all quickly walk over to them and walk into school together

"hey Tyler what's up?" Monty ask Tyler became visibly nervous "I can't I can't do this I've got to go" Tyler spoke looking at us" Tyler spoke

"fuck that guy he's not gonna hurt you no ones gonna push you around anymore" tony spoke Clay stepped towards him as me and Justin stayed back "Tyler it's okay" he said

"okay Tyler I need you to listen to me okay? Focus on your breathing hey breath as deep as you can" tony calming spoke as Tyler took deep breaths I look over at Zach as he was  waiting for me by my locker

"I gotta go" I say as Justin looks over at who I was looking at he nods "okay" I said I made my way to him

"hey" he spoke "hi" I spoke as I pecked his lips softly I go to pull away but he grabs my waist holding me still "I missed you" he said finally pulling away" I laughed

"it's been two days" I say "I know that's too long" he said I smile "well good news Mr.Jensen is cleaning out the workshop and I'm getting my own room so you can finally come over" I say smiling my hands going around his neck

"perfect" he said pulling me into another kiss "come on we need to get to class" I say as we walk off hand in hand

Lunch time came around and me and Justin walked over to our table with Clay and Tyler and some weird girl was in my seat

"your fucking kidding" I say to just I walk over to where she could see me "who are you?" I ask looking at her crossing my arms "Ani" she spoke sticking her hand out I stare down at it

"well Ani your in my seat" I say to her "what's your name?" She asked me "kensley" I say "kens just sit down" Justin spoke "but that's my seat I sit there every day"

"kens" Clay said giving me and annoyed looked "fine I'm sitting there tomorrow though" I say giving her a look as I sat down next to Justin "okay Um Ani Justin Justin ani" Clay introduced the two as they smiled at each other

"pleasure" she said to him "you know for a sour puss you have loads of friends" Ani said to Clay making me laugh

"Tyler is my friend Justin and Kensley are living with me and my family they are twins" Clay spoke

"they're adopting us" Justin said to her "oh that's fantastic" Ani spoke looking at me and Justin i scoff "Clay believe brothers should take care of each other I assume that goes the same for sisters?" Ani said looking at Clay I look at him confused taking a handful of Justin's chips

"I need... ketchup" Clay spoke getting up "so he might seem like an uptight asshole at first maybe ever for a while but he's a really good guy so just give him some time he's worth it" Justin said I nod

"how much time?" She asked "hmm for me it took like eight years" Justin said making her laugh

"took me 2 in the superior twin" I say earning a shove from Justin "ow" I say smacking his shoulder "you are not the superior twin it's obviously me" Justin said

"yeah prove it" I say "I'm taller I'm smarter I'm fast And I have more friends" he said "are you dense I'm smarter and we have the same amount of friends" I said ||end flashback||

I laid on Justin bed in there out house as they call it in my sport bra and shorts I just got home from the gym with Zach and Alexa I was beat

"Justin can you message my feet?" I ask "ew no your feet are nasty" he said as he got up and walked passed Clay

"what the hell are you obsessing over now?" He asked Clay who was on his computer justin walked to their fridge

"homecoming" Clay said my heart skipped a beat I stood up and walked over to his computer

"like everyone posted pictures of it" Clay said as he scrolled through all the homecoming pictures

"do you remember anything? From the game or everything that happened after? Anything that might tell us where Bryce went?" He asked Justin looking over at him

"not really we talked some shit during the game but I didn't really see him once shit got crazy" Justin said walking over to us looking over clays shoulder as well

"where'd you get those?" He asked looking at the pictures "I got them from Tyler he had his camera that night" Clay said

he came across a picture of me and Zach he was in his football uniform it was before the game he was kissing my head and I was laughing I looked so fat in that I look down at my stomach

do I really look like that he scrolled to the next couple ones of me and Alex and me and Justin I hated the way I look

"wait zoom in on that last one" Justin said he went back to a picture of the fight Zach was in it "that's Zach" Justin said "and that's Bryce tackling him" Clay said

"but he said it was number 82 who did it the big-ass defense end on Hillcres" I say looking at the boys

"when we were helping Zach off the field he said it was 82" Justin said "this morning he told me he didn't know who did it" Clay said "why would he lie about that?" I ask confused

"why does he keep lying about stupid shit" I asked "like what?" Justin asked

"he told Jess I was with him after homecoming but I wasn't" I say they look at each other "he's been acting weird I'm gonna get to the bottom of it" I say walking out and into the house and into my room and straight to my bedroom

I look over at the tape Bryce gave me along with a note staring at it sitting on my bed I let out a shaky sigh things are about to get fucking crazy

Word count: 1076

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