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*kensley pov*

I knocked on the door to Clays room opening the door as both the boys look at me "uh your mom wants you guys downstairs" I say they both nod as we walk down the stairs together

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"Your parents said we could drive together" Justin said to Clay as I followed him out the door "and they'll be right behind us in one of the other priuses" Justin said as we both skip down the step and towards clays car I look over and see a note on Clays windshield

"Justin" I whisper he looks over and grabs the paper reading it "Jensen" Justin said getting his attention the note read 'you talk you die' and this is when I started becoming extremely worried for my brother

Clay and Justin quickly got in the car as Clays parents walked out 

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We got to the court and Dennis and Mrs.Baker wanted to take Justin back to talk before he goes up he turned to me and hugged me tight I went to pull away but he just held me even tighter

I realized that this might be the last time I hug Justin for a while a tear slipped out of my eye as we pull away but I quickly wiped it away

"I'll be okay" Justin said I nod "I know" I say he slowly turned around and walked with the Bakers

Clays mom put a secured arm around me I look over at her and gave her a small smile "it'll be okay" she said I nod as we go and take our seats I sit next to Tony and Clay my leg bouncing from nerves

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"And how would you describe Mr.Walkers relationships with girls were they fear based as well?" Dennis asked "yes sir they were like conquests to him he would always brag about what he'd done with girls and then he'd called them sluts for hooking up with him" Justin spoke

"and did he ever mention an on again off again relationship with Hannah baker to you?" Dennis asked I knew he was talking about what he said in Court about Hannah from what Tony told me over text

"no sir because it never happened maybe they hung out but there's no way he would've hooked up with her and not told me about it" Justin said somewhat confident "because he liked to brag as you said" he asked

"exactly" my brother answered "how would you describe Hannah?" Dennis asked I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out

"she was really kind and funny she was friends with my sister for a while I liked her from the first time I saw her we only had one real date but it was... it was nice" Justin spoke

"Fuck you" I hear my mom yell as I layed in my bed looking up at my ceiling waiting for the fighting to stop "yes I got you okay" Seth yelled I don't even know what there fighting about at this point suddenly I heard something crash from where they were fighting and i sprung to my feet quickly opening my door I meet eyes with Seth for a split second then I rush into Justins room he quickly sits up and looks at me "it's been happening all day" I say crying shaking my head he stands up and hugs me tight we hear more things crash and we quickly pull away walking out to the living room to see what the fuck was happening ||end flashback||

I look down at my lap knowing what night he was talking about he went to Hannah's and I went to Jeff's

||flash back||
I quickly climb up the tree that leads to Jeff's window and tap on the glass he opens it and looked at me I had some blood on my face from Seth "kensley?" He asked I smiled at him "hey" I say he quickly pulled me in "what happened?" He asked sitting me down on his bed I look down "Seth" I say looking back up at him he pulled out a shoe box which he kept bandaids and stuff in he called it his surgeon box he kept it there for when I came over looking like this "you should live here" Jeff said as he put hydrogen peroxide on my cut and I flinched back "Jeff we've been over this I can't What about Justin?" I ask he nods "right" he spoke quite putting the hydrogen peroxide on my cut again I flinched back "ow" I say pushing his hand away "sorry" he said looking at me annoyed I just started laughing at his face ||end flashback||

"She just let me sleep there all night she slept on her own floor" Justin spoke

"Maybe Bryce sent it around because he was jealous or maybe because he's just cruel...I don't know" Justin said taking pauses between some of he words

"I don't know why people send around photos like that" Justin said he was a nervous wreck but I mean so was I so I couldn't really say anything

"Bryce did shi- stuff like that all the time" he said having to stop him self for saying a cuss word "tell me what you saw when you went back into that room that night" Dennis questioned crossing his arms "we'll renew our objection irrelevant and inflammatory" the other lawyer said

"we're establishing that Bryce Walker engaged in a pattern of behavior and that the school was aware of it the defense claims no such behavior took place we have a right to respond" Dennis spoke speaking big words I didn't understand and probably will never understand

"witness will answer" the judge said Dennis looks back to Justin and nods "I-I went back into the room Jessica was passed out and Bryce was standing over her and his... his pants were unzipped and she she had her panties off and she wasn't moving" Justin spoke

I look down again as Tony put a secure hand over top of mine that rest on my knee and squeezed it understanding this was hard for me

"her eyes were closed it-it was like she was dead I tired to pull him off but he shoved me out and locked the door I just sat there listening- listening to him and her it... it sounded like she started to wake up" Justin said "did you think of calling the police or calling for help?"Dennis asked

"I did I- but I was afraid" Justin said "afraid of what?" Dennis digged Justin paused thinking before he answered "I don't know" Justin spoke

"afraid of losing my best friend my girlfriend my entire life" Justin said not making eye contact with anyone

"which I guess I already lost" he spoke sadness lacing his voice

"I'll regret this forever" he said

Word count:1159

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