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| I wake up looking around I realize I'm in the hospital I look over to my left and see Zach sitting there on a chair asleep "Zach" I say him still not waking up "babe" I say a little louder and he wakes up and looks at me his eyes open wide he quickly scoots closer to me "you're awake!" He said smiling "yeah how long have I been here?" I ask looking at the flowers and cards on the coffee table then back to him he looked away and then at me "well this is your first time being awake in three days" he said "oh how long have you been here?" I ask "since you got here" Zach said "are you in pain?" He asked I nod "lots of it" I say as if just on cue a doctor walks in "miss Foley you're awake" he said|

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Zach's alarm starts going off I sit up rubbing my eyes ever since I got out of the hospital I've been staying here Seth broke my kneecap it healed but I had to get Surgery on it last week so I'm back in my brace and with crutches it hurts like a bitch but Zach has been taking care of me so it makes things a little better Justin is still missing still not answering text or calls who the fuck knows where he is

Zach sits up and wrapped his arms around my waist "I'll go get your meds" Zach said I nod he gets up and walks out of his room while he's gone I stand up I change into a hoodie and brush my hair Zach walked back in with a glass of water and pills in his hand he hands them to me "Kens what did I say about walking with out your crutches or help?" He asked I took a sip of water and took my pills and looked at him "I took like three steps" I say walking over to put the glass on his bed side table he grabs it from me and picks me up and sets me his bed

"do you want to get better?" He asked "of course I do" I say shrugging grabbing a pair of leggings that's next to me I start undoing the Velcro straps on my brace and slide it off I wince in pain as Zach also gets dressed I look down at my knee that's wrapped up I pull the leggings on ive never felt so much pain in my life and that's saying something

Zach makes eye contact with me as he grabs my brace kneeling down in front of me he slowly slides it on I lay back on the bed putting my hands over my face I hear the Velcro go on and I sit up Zach puts a hand on my chin guiding me to look up at him he kissed my lips softly as a tear slowly falls down my cheek he whipped it away with his thumb kissing my forehead he helps me up and hands me my crutches

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"thank you" I say as he helps me out of the car "Alex comes back today right?" I ask as he put my book bag on his back "yeah and Jessica I think" he says I nod

We were walking down the halls and we spot Alex and Jess walking down the hall we walk up to them "I'll take that" Zach says to Alex "I can carry my own books plus you've already got kens bag" Alex said Zach doesn't listen and takes the bag of him throwing it on "well clearly you can't so let me help don't be a dick I already have to deal with one of those and welcome back" Zach said I shot him a look and Jess laughed "thank you" Jess says as she's eating a sucker

"I meant to ask you guys about my note" Alex said as we stand around together I look to the ground not wanting to be the one to answer "what note?" Zach says like an idiot "my suicide note" he says pulling it out "Jesus put that away" Zach said pushing it away "it's not radioactive" Alex said "no I know it's just we're not allowed to talk about suicide or you or Hannah" Zach said and I nod using my crutches as a rest and leaning on them "says who?" Jess asked

"says the school" I say look at them both "they made a rule the day after you..after that day" Zach said "and if you talk about it on campus you get suspended" I finish "that's so fucked up" Alex said "yeah" Zach says "oh shit" Jess says "let's go who do you have first period? Mr.Wood?" Zach asked "yeah I can't turn that fast" Alex says "what are you running from Zach?" Jess asked

"nothing I'll meet you in first babe" he said trying to turn with Alex's "hey! Jess Alex welcome back you guys" I hear Bryce say "sup Alex Jess" Monty says "Seriously? Welcome back?" Alex said in a questioning tone "Alex stop I'll see you guys after third I'm gonna take the long way it's gonna be a good day" Jess says walking off "see ya" I say walking to first

Tyler was in court today I know Zach has to testify but I don't know when my doctor said I shouldn't testify but I'm kind of glad because I don't know what they would ask

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"Clay" Zach said as we were walking up to him "hey Zach hey kens" he said "we're you at court this morning?" Zach asked "yeah I couldn't take Tyler's lied so I left" Clay spoke opening his locker "so how is this gonna happen? Is everything gonna come out?" He ask clay "how the fuck would I know"Clay says getting crappy with Zach "well when do you testify?" He asked "I don't" Clay said

"what why would they call me and not call you?" Zach ask I think about it confused I mean Clay was like her only friend "I don't know and I don't care" Clay said Skye changed him he used to be really chill and nows just a dick

"how can you not care?" I ask him "I care about my girlfriend and I care about my grades and that's plenty" He snapped at me "when you're under oath that can ask you anything right?" Zach asked worried Clay slams his locker and looks at Zach "you stole a fucking note it's not like you raped her what are you worried about?" He ask I agree with Clay what the fuck could Zach have done

"what about the tapes? What about the tape you made?" He asked ignoring clays question "why are you still hanging around with Bryce? What does he have on you?" Clay ask Zach "I'm not hanging out with bryce okay? I just I have to play baseball with him and I was just hoping this trial wouldn't fuck up everybody's life" Zach says to Clay holding eye contact

"well too late" Clay said walking between me and Zach I look up at him as he sighs as he walked me to class

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I had to sit and watch Zach's basketball practice since I can't really walk home I can't hear what there talking about but Mr.Porter was down there so it must have been serious

Bryce was making horrible throws Zach having to run after the balls I noticed Bryce kept staring at Jess he must be nervous or something I don't how knows what goes on through Bryces fucked up mind

I look over to Mr.Bolan And Mr.walked and 2 other people in suits walking through the field pointing and talking Bryce walks over to his dad his arm in ice packs

someone sits down beside me

I look over and see Zach "am i doing the right thing?" He ask taking a drink from his water bottle "still being friendly to Bryce?" He asked looking at me I close the book I was sorta reading "I think your doing what you think is right" I say licking my lips he just nods I put my book in my bag as he grabs it and we head over to his car he helps me in and we take off to go home

Word count: 1413

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